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Thread: Mangrove sunrise

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Australia
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    Iain Brockwell

    Mangrove sunrise


    I took this one a while back and was hoping for some constructive critique from you all. I love landscape photography but I know I have a lot of improvement to make. I am about to invest in a 17-40 f4 L series Canon lens, is this a good landscape lens? Any advice greatly appreciated.

    Mangrove sunrise

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    Overall a nice image. I have a feeling that the cropping was done to include specific sections of the image, such as the tree's reflection on the right and the stony beach at the left forefront. However, your cropping of both trees, was this deliberate or just a matter of not being able to capture more of the image?

  3. #3

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    Iain Brockwell

    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Overall a nice image. I have a feeling that the cropping was done to include specific sections of the image, such as the tree's reflection on the right and the stony beach at the left forefront. However, your cropping of both trees, was this deliberate or just a matter of not being able to capture more of the image?
    Hi John

    I wanted to crop the tree on the right hand side slightly because there was a carpark right on the edge of frame and I really wanted to avoid getting the cars in shot. In hindsight I could have changed angle slightly but at that time of day you don't have much time before the light changes. I guess I could clone out the tree on the left also.

  4. #4

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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    I'm just wondering if you could crop out all or most of that left hand tree. I think you might get away with losing a corresponding amount from the top and bottom.

    Not really sure if it will work but I would certainly consider this as the first option. At the worst, this would reduce the area of the left hand tree to be cloned.

    Alternatively, have you cropped anything from the top/bottom? I am just wondering about using a 3 x 2 ratio and getting away with just a simple crop.

    It is a good scene, so well worth taking this little extra effort to get it perfect.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    Quote Originally Posted by Iain Brockwell View Post
    Hi John

    I wanted to crop the tree on the right hand side slightly because there was a carpark right on the edge of frame and I really wanted to avoid getting the cars in shot. In hindsight I could have changed angle slightly but at that time of day you don't have much time before the light changes. I guess I could clone out the tree on the left also.
    I suppose you could do a little photo manipulation-flip or reverse the image, stitch it together on the left side, but you would end up with a strange looking rock formation in the foreground.

  6. #6

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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    I really like this, makes me want to be there. Wish you wouldn't have said about the car park LOL, now I see the two cars. I imagined a place where not a human in site....

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Mangrove sunrise


    I'm into doing 1:1 (square) images at the moment. I think all the 'sparkle' in this image is on the right hand side. I'd love to see it as a square image using the existing top, bottom and right-hand side edges. The sky in what would then be the left-hand half of that image, would be gorgeous and just complement the tree and its reflection, beautifully.

    One idea to think about!

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    Thanks for the feedback everybody. I went back through my RAW files and found a better image with no cropping on the tree on the right hand side and best of all no cars I also tried the square crop Donald and I must say I like it a lot! I cloned out the land mass on the right of the tree to give the tree a bit more space and a feeling of being somewhere away from civilization.

    Mangrove sunrise

    The square crop (thanks Donald)

    Mangrove sunrise

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Mangrove sunrise

    So much more detail and balance. And by balance I mean individual elements not the overall image. There is nothing static about your composition Thanks for the repost.

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