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Thread: A Visitor

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Marina Berlin

    A Visitor

    A Visitor

    This leaf-like creature landed on my desk lamp.
    The problem is that the lamp is also green (maybe the creature is looking for its mom )
    and it spreads a very warm light.. So the background seems too yellow? too bright? I cant even put my finger on it...
    Last edited by makhshefa; 6th June 2011 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #2
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Bill S

    Re: A Visitor


    I like the shot very much, but there definitely is a yellow cast to the whole shot. If you shot in RAW, you should be able to change the white balance to Incandescent to correct most (if not all) of it. It really takes away from (what I assume was) a bright green insect and mutes its colors into the background.

    I personally would probably just crop to where you have those shaded areas at the top and bottom - but I'm not one for borders or added affects like that, so take that opinion for what it is worth.

    What I do like about the shot is the dichotomy of the scene though. The fish-out-of-water kind of thing with an insect that would likely almost disappear on a tree branch standing out so starkly on that machined metal lamp arm.

    Nice capture! I wish bugs like that would land on my desk to be photographed...

    - Bill

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Marina Berlin

    Re: A Visitor

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your advise! I edited the photo again and I like the result much more!
    I still like the frame, so I kept it

    A Visitor

  4. #4
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: A Visitor


    I like this edit much better too (and while I still don't like the frame, I'm glad you kept it since you like it ). The colors are now much brighter and more vibrant than before. The original shot isn't available any more - you might want to keep both here so folks can see the difference and the improvement you made to it.

    Great work!

    - Bill

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Marina Berlin

    Re: A Visitor

    Here I uploaded it again, so it can be shown.

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