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Thread: Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

  1. #1
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Kristianna-Marie - I listen to Kris too.....

    Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

    This camera has manual settings, but no manual focus. A few weeks ago I ordered a macro lens and extension tube from Amazon, and have been trying to get some macro shots in.
    It's basically trial and error - Since I don't have manual focus, I have to move the camera until I get a clear image. So far, the only shots I managed to get in focus was at a shutter speed of 1/400 - anything slower and I get a blurry result.
    A tripod is not an option, and of course this camera also does not have a remote trigger.
    Oh, a DSLR is on my wish list, but currently not yet in my budget. I try the best I can with what I have - but some advise about camera settings would really help.
    Another thing: When I use the flash, I always end up with a partially shaded picture.
    I can post some shots later on, when I have access to my regular computer again. Hubby id doing some upgrades on it, and I can't access it for a few more hours.
    Thanks for any advise you can give me.

  2. #2

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    Re: Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

    Are you saying auto focus doesn't work either. Is the lens made for that camera?

    The problem could be the extention tube. It may not have the right connector pins on it to allow autofocus.

    Give us some more information and maybe we can help.

  3. #3
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

    Auto focus works - up to a point. Sometimes it wants to focus on something next to my intended target. I can make it focus by moving the camera, but a tripod is pretty useless when I need to get close to the subject, Camera shake is always a problem, although I have pretty steady hands, and I try to use something for support (not always possible). I keep the aperture usually at f6 (f8 is as small as the camera can handle), and try bright light and high shutter speed. Works sometimes, sometimes not.
    And, yes, the lens and extension tube were made for this particular type of camera. I have very little experience with either macro photography or extension tubes, but "if it's there, I NEED to try it!'.

  4. #4

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    Re: Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

    I would say that you have to find a way of using a tripod or other camera support, otherwise it will always be a very hit or miss affair; and probably more misses.

    Then just use the centre auto focus point, if you have that option.

  5. #5
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Kristianna-Marie - I listen to Kris too.....

    Re: Macro photography with a Kodak Z8612 IS

    Yea, that's what I've been trying - and will keep doing until I get more hits than misses.

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