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Thread: Light color outside image area

  1. #1

    Light color outside image area

    Working in CS5 on a Mac with an Epson 2200. On some files I get alight color outside the image area instead of white. No color show on any layer. Epson says it's not printer problem as I don't get this when printing a Word document. Does anyone have an idea?
    Thank you in advance.
    Keep on shooting!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bucharest, Romania
    Real Name
    2 penny for the guess..

    Re: Light color outside image area


    Your problem might be from ICC profiles.
    Have a look here.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Light color outside image area

    I would be tempted to suggest that it is due to the printer settings. I don't know that particular printer but I would expect that the photo settings would be totally different from a text document.

    Just a thought; does that printer automatically apply Gloss Optimiser to photo prints? That could well give this effect. I usually turn off the Gloss Optimiser for most prints. But I am using the Epson R1900.

  4. #4

    Re: Light color outside image area

    Thank you much for the lead. This will take some digesting. For the moment I will add white to the canvas size, that works fine.

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