My selection is numbers 1 and 2, i find them beautiful, all others are good too but i prefer the first for the simpler background and absence of plant leaves. Maybe i'm wrong but the PP in others is a little too visible, i see brighten and sharpness applied, maybe it's jut my eye.
Action in 3 and 4 is incomplete and gives me a rare sensation.
On 5 and 6 the bird sings and i don't like the face.
(of course very personal sensation)
Beautiful shots.
Favorites are 2nd and last. In the last looks like singing opera!! I like the guy series but agree with Gonzalo, maybe too processed? but then Im using an old monitor right now. Beautiful action shots I like this series
Thanks I really appreciate the comments and will bear them in mind for future shots.
Have only taken up photography less then a year ago and have so much to learn.
I have "gentler" faces of the male but wanted to show the intensity of his performance so to speak.
Can you please explain what "incomplete" action means.
Sure, when i say incomplete i refer to a moment of action who occurs before the full action take place. By example, a complete action to me in a box combat, could be a punch hiting on the face (it's a common shot in this sport), and an incomplete would be the same image but before -> a fighter starting to throw the punch, so the sensation is the action has no ended.
Thanks for responding Gonzalo.
I see what you mean. Might be possible for larger, slower and less agile birds but these guys are like lightning and impossible (for me) to catch with a completed liftoff or even a landing.
And the burst rate on my 550D is no match for the speed of these guys. Actually this was the first time ever for me to capture a relatively in focus pic of such a small bird taking off.
Last edited by Bobobird; 9th June 2011 at 06:12 AM.