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Thread: Sistersville Ferry

  1. #1
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    up on a knob above Paden City, West Virginia
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    Sistersville Ferry

    I crossed the Ohio River by way of ferry. It was a unique experience for me. The pusher?/tug? (I am not sure of proper terminology) is actually on a swing arm, and swings out on a 180 degree angle as it is leaving the docking area.

    Shot shutter speed 1/500, f8, ISO 200, Focal length 44.0mm. Please feel free to comment.

    Sistersville Ferry

    Sistersville Ferry

    I did not get the chance to add this last picture to the series before I went to work.
    Sistersville Ferry
    Last edited by Marie Hass; 9th June 2011 at 11:46 PM. Reason: added one more picture

  2. #2

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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    The immediate problem I had with both images was the competition for my interest. Was it the opposing shore with the bright red building, the trees, the sky, or, moreso, the obvious, the ferry? If it is the ferry you wish to portray, then I would suggest reducing the depth of field by opening up a few stops or using a ND filter, and shooting at a much lower angle to eliminate or reduce the drive-on platform from going a-kilter which makes you beleive (and I looked carefully, and the rest is not) the horizon is off level.

    In my quick fixes, I reduced the value of the green, removed the bright red building and blurred the background, then did a bit of a crop...not the ideal way to make a fun photo, but it helps to get the point across...

    There is a great clarity to the exposure but I think in this case, it is too much and therefore, hurts rather than helps as an art photo...for a postcard, dead on.

    Sistersville Ferry

    Sistersville Ferry

    Blur is too much...maybe only a stop to a stop and a half open.

  3. #3

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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    Marie, i think you did a great job on both images. Your subject is front and center and takes a considerable portion of the frame. It is obvious what the subject is.

    At 44 mm you would have had to use a f/1 Lens to get the blur chris showed , and fake blur, well..............looks fake. I don't care for it.

    Your compositions are good, the exposure and focus are spot on, i say very well done, on a moving subject that you only had a couple seconds to take the shot.

  4. #4

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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve S View Post
    Marie, i think you did a great job on both images. Your subject is front and center and takes a considerable portion of the frame. It is obvious what the subject is.

    At 44 mm you would have had to use a f/1 Lens to get the blur chris showed , and fake blur, well..............looks fake. I don't care for it.

    Your compositions are good, the exposure and focus are spot on, i say very well done, on a moving subject that you only had a couple seconds to take the shot.
    I firmly agree the fake focus is sucky, at best, but it was done to show a possibility...I even remarked to that later in the post...I just think there is too much going on in the scene, but I are just one opinion.

  5. #5

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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    If and only if You don't want to see where You'll arrive You'll blur.
    I like the first

  6. #6
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    Thanks, Chris for your feedback. I see the issues you were describing. I will have fun with these images because I can go back and shoot these time and again at all different settings.

    My true preference is a clearer image from front to back. I want the looker to see where they are going (thanks Radu). Maybe there is some sort of a compromise in there somewhere? I will experiment.

    Thank you Steve, for your comments as well. The action of the pusher (tug, boat) was my major interest.

    I have added the last picture. I had problems with my uploader this morning and was unable to add it. Sorry.

  7. #7

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    Re: Sistersville Ferry

    I like the last one the best...wish the red roof across the way wasn't some prominent, but other than that, because of the foreground depth, I don't have the same issues I had with the first two. Whoohoo!

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