Closer...get closer
Hi Leo
Thanks for comment. What I reckon I should have done was to move to my right a fraction. I was trying to tie the three ladies with their cameras to the three stone muse heads above them. I didn't have the latitude to move in closer given their spacing.
Err...Ken, was not for you ...
The left Lady is holding a DSLR (with a bit of zoom, so she doesn't need to go too close), the middle one have a compact wit a bit of zoom as well, and the posture of her arms is partial extended, and the third one with the small compact camera with the arms fully extended, is closer to the "subject"
I really liked the humour of this shoot ( at least how I interpreted .. )
Oh Dear Leo. I totally misunderstood. What an idiot I am! I am glad you picked up on the humour of it which was my basic intent. But it would have been heaps better if I could have aligned the heads and the ladies up a little more closely. But thanks for viewing and commenting!
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 9th June 2011 at 09:20 PM. Reason: fix quote tag
Loved the early morning humor, Ken. Hehehe. Without the head muses, it'd just be a simple snapshot. With it... definitely funny.
I love the ear buds that the middle lady is wearing.
Hi Ken, I love Leo's observation! This would make a great thread on its own asking something like "Which photographer is getting the closest shot?" LOL!
Or, perhaps "Which Stone God of Photography is providing the best camera shooting technique?"
Photographers make such good subjects. Nice fun shot.
Haha - what a great shot with a superior history
Btw - what are they taking photos of?
It made me laugh straightaway..-humour was the motive and it worked for me too.
Nice picture, Ken. It is a good of example of creativity plus opportunity shot =)
Thank you for all who took the time and effort to view and comment on my 'fun ' shot. It was much apprewciated
Hi Ken,
I'm a bit late to the party, but I do like this shot, the relative angles of the muses 'watching over' their respective photograpers could hardly be better - made me smile.
Well observed and caught,