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Thread: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

  1. #1
    New Member benbull's Avatar
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    Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Hi there everyone.

    I'm doing a few weddings this year and would like to rent a D700 to help me in the lower light conditions, my D90 struggles and I want to deliver the best quality.

    There are a few online companies that I have emailed for costs, but I wondered if anyone new of a company in/around cambridge that might offer a rental service? Probably going to end up spending £70-£100 for a couple of days with the online companies after paying delivery/collection charges.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    hoddo's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Hi Ben, good plan though don't know around Cambridge. I do believe Fixation in London rent equipment and being a great repair shop, one would hope that the rental gear would be well serviced.

  3. #3
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    I believe Calumet have a good reputation, although not in Cambridge. Their store locator is HERE
    Last edited by Clactonian; 10th June 2011 at 04:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Better still HERE is their rental catalogue.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Could your problem be fixed with the correct lens and rent that instead? Many online companies will deliver.

  6. #6
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???


    If you do decide to rent gear (and your budget allows), I would highly recommend renting it for some time prior to your needs so that you can have a little bit of time to get used to the differences between it and your regular gear. And definitely take your regular gear as backup!

    - Bill

  7. #7
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Quote Originally Posted by hoddo View Post
    Fixation in London... ...being a great repair shop[/url]
    I took my ailing 18-200mm VR lens in there to be fixed to be quoted over £550 to repair it.

    They tried to convince me to go ahead with the repair without advising me that it would cost the same or less to buy the updated VRII version of the lens.

    Imagine if the lens were a gift and I had no idea of its value.

    I was pretty furious with them and will not step foot in the door again.

  8. #8
    New Member benbull's Avatar
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    Re: Renting D700 in/around Cambridge???

    Hi All, many thanks for the links/advice, will check both of them out and see what the costs are.
    I'm also considering buying a used d700 (at a GOOD price) then selling it after I have used it this summer... I'm waiting for the D800 to be released before I buy to keep. Might also buy the lens as a keep... long term investment!

    I have a couple of 'low light' lenses...Nikkor 50mm 1.8 and a Tokina 11-16 2.8, but from experience, its higher ISO's I need to be able to use, once I get to 400+ish on the D90... thinks start getting noisy

    and in terms of 'getting used to the d700' I didnt think I would have too many issues switching to a full frame? I would have the camera the day before, but I guess that wont give me 'wedding situation' practice. Anything I should watch out for? I do have a corporate event to photograph in a couple of weeks, not a big earner... bit of a favour, so spending on hire might technically make it a loss... with time spent. But I guess it would give me some D700 hours before the weddings.

    hmmm... money, when will that stuff start growing on trees?!!!

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