Can anyone please tell me if when viewing my image files using Windows Vista and going into My Pictures folder, when I right click on my image file to view it's properties and open the Details tab should the information on Colour Representation say sRGB next to it if I have assigned a sRGB profile during my editing?
This may seem a trivial question to ask but my reason for this is - when I edit my pictures using Nikon Capture NX2 I have assigned a sRGB profile to my saved Tiff files but when I come to view them in Windows Photo Gallery in the properties of the image on the details tab it say's Colour Representation - Uncalibrated. But When I edit my photos in Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and save my images it always shows the profile that will be assigned to the image that being: sRGB IEC61966-2.1 in the Save As dialogue box. Then when i view my saved images in Windows after using Adobe Elements in the Details tab it shows up as Colour Representation - sRGB next to it.
My main point is that I am not sure if my Nikon software is saving my sRGB profile to my images but it seems that the Adobe software is assigning one.
I would be grateful for any comments on this matter
Kind Regards