So I got my first gig to shoot a baby shower. I've done a few parties and such, but I did those out of my free time. This is very important to me because I want to make a good impression.
I've tried searching online for a few ideas and I have a general concept on how the editing should look. Pastel colors, girly and zzz.
Anyways I have a few questions.
When sending your client your master copies, do you send it to them with your watermark on them? Do you resize them or send them the original sizes and how do you store them for transport? Burn several CD's? I usually put my stuff on my TB hard drives and giving them one would be pricey.
Also, at what settings do you recommend shooting group portraits at? If it's a large group I want to make sure everyone in the picture is looking sharp and not only the center. Higher f # maybe?
Obviously I'm still new and I need some guidance.
Last question. How much do I charge them in U.S. dollars. I'm a rookie so I'm thinking of a real low # here.
Thanks in advance!