It looks a darn sight more interesting than my aluminium-polycarbonite-magnesiumy-ultralightweight-extendable-expendable-Welsh farmer prodding-Nordic-walking pole thangy!
What did I end up here!! ...B***dy Google for you
All three are great Rob, I do like No.1 with the flecks of blue paint giving it an ancient feel
#3 works for me
And for the new member who is in this thread for 'his friend' I refer to Rob's third image in the original post.
Not the 3rd technique on page 9 of your book that is concealed in the pages of yesterday's guardian....
Did you notice this thread already has 274 views. That's either a lot of sad (but disappointed) CiC members, or a lot of sad (but disappointed) Google searchers.
Sean - expect a lot of new members this week, and while you are at it start a new forum section called "Adult".