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Thread: Question for Rob...

  1. #21

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post

    Most RAW shots look a bit rough when you first download them, which is probably what puts some people off RAW. But the detail is there, and so long as you have got as much right in camera as you could you should have no problem getting a much better finished product.
    Right! I'm not used to seeing RAW because I can't get iphoto to spit them out for me.

    When I look at a scene to shoot, I'm not thinking so much 'this is an attractive scene' , I'm thinking more 'what does the light look like, and how can it be improved'. The PP just improves what you have captured, and it can make a considerable difference, especially if you were constrained by poor lighting.
    Yes! You said that before!

    And, I'm all smiles because they're very good words. You said (Male voice - serious - with some sort of accent - probably Welshish...),

    "Don't think of taking shots with a camera. Think of controlling the light."

    ...your very words!

    See! I'm paying attention!

    But, Katy, that's one of the things we all love about you!
    Ah! Friends!!!

  2. #22
    rob marshall

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Right! I'm not used to seeing RAW because I can't get iphoto to spit them out for me.
    I'm not sure, but you probably need Aperture? Anyone else know?

    Why not change to Photoshop Elements 9, which includes RAW

  3. #23
    abhi's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Right! I'm not used to seeing RAW because I can't get iphoto to spit them out for me.
    Katy, you may find this FAQ regarding working with RAW images in iPhoto useful:

  4. #24

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by abhi View Post
    Katy, you may find this FAQ regarding working with RAW images in iPhoto useful:
    Thanks, Abhi! I have iphoto, like, 7.1 or some such nonsense. It doesn't let me work in RAW and it isn't compatible with Photoshop. Insanity! I can't just upgrade because my computer's too old. Trust me on that one......!
    Last edited by Katy Noelle; 23rd June 2011 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #25

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    I'm not sure, but you probably need Aperture? Anyone else know?

    Why not change to Photoshop Elements 9, which includes RAW
    My dad had a version of Elements 6 that he never uses and passed on to me. No library! and, I find that it isn't intuitive, at all. My version of iphoto is old and won't give up my RAW and it is NOT compatible with photoshop. Back in January, I spent quite a bit of time checking the issue out and decided that I wanted Lightroom. Then, when my dad gave me Elements, I thought that I just had to 'make do'. However, hopefully, I'll get some birthday money and I can get Lightroom 1 (the one that's compatible, works on my old computer and which is the one that I fell in love with and wanted in the first place.)

    Tom, said that a new computer is on the horizon for the family for Christmas!!! Desperate relief!
    Last edited by Katy Noelle; 23rd June 2011 at 02:16 PM.

  6. #26
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    Stacking... Don't laugh at my question... okay... laugh, but privately.

    I was looking at your botanical images today. I know that you use stacking. Is it just in my mind, because I am picturing the layers stacked one on top of the other in my head... or does the stacking actually give depth (thickness) to the petals of flowers etc.?
    Hi Mary, although this isn't a flower picture, it may help with the focus stacking concept. I was testing focus stacking so the subject isn't very interesting. I took six shots at different focus settings from a couple of inches to infinity and then combined them in PS using Edit/Auto-Align Layers then Edit/Auto-Blend Layers. The result was the following photo with the granite shelf and background pretty much all in focus. In some cases I had to decide if I wanted the dust on the shelf (close focus) or the reflection of the far wall on the shelf (far focus) to prevail. I was really trying to get the dust AND the reflection on the shelf at the same time but I couldn't figure out how to do that so on some parts of the shelf I chose one and other parts I chose the other. If you watch what PS does with the layers when you use Auto-Blend, you should be able to see exactly how this is accomplished.

    Question for Rob...

  7. #27
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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Thanks, Abhi! I have iphoto, like, 7.1 or some such nonsense. It doesn't let me work in RAW and it isn't compatible with Photoshop. Insanity! I can't just upgrade because my computer's too old. Trust me on that one......!

    That FAQ on Apple's site suggests that iPhoto does let you work in RAW to some extent.

    The first time you edit a RAW image in the main iPhoto window, the RAW badge appears at the bottom of the window.
    The moment you hit done, though, it saves the photo to a 8-bit jpeg for you, and uses that for any subsequent edits. You will need to use "Revert to Original" if you want to go back to RAW again.

    PS: Google suggests that probably a few of Canon camera's .CR2 files are not supported. Which camera do you have?
    Last edited by abhi; 23rd June 2011 at 05:30 PM.

  8. #28
    rob marshall

    Re: Question for Rob...


    I forgot about this. It explains it quite well Photography video tutorials

  9. #29

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post

    I forgot about this. It explains it quite well Photography video tutorials
    Thanks a bunch, Rob.

  10. #30

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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    I have two inner smilies, but I keep 'em apart to avoid a scandal...

    Well, you had better think again, my dear - because they can.

    Original RAW out of camera and the edit from the other thread

    Question for Rob...
    Question for Rob...
    Sorry to interupt into this post, but looking at the work you've made with that photo, I'm amazed of the result of the post-processing. Do you have a list, or a resume of the post-processing you've done on this one?

  11. #31
    rob marshall

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by kontrol View Post
    Sorry to interupt into this post, but looking at the work you've made with that photo, I'm amazed of the result of the post-processing. Do you have a list, or a resume of the post-processing you've done on this one?
    I'm busy today, but I will post something this evening for you. This is a forum, so the concept of interrupting doesn't really arise. But I can see that sometimes it looks as if people are having private conversations.

  12. #32

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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    My dad had a version of Elements 6 that he never uses and passed on to me. No library! and, I find that it isn't intuitive, at all. My version of iphoto is old and won't give up my RAW and it is NOT compatible with photoshop. Back in January, I spent quite a bit of time checking the issue out and decided that I wanted Lightroom. Then, when my dad gave me Elements, I thought that I just had to 'make do'. However, hopefully, I'll get some birthday money and I can get Lightroom 1 (the one that's compatible, works on my old computer and which is the one that I fell in love with and wanted in the first place.)

    Tom, said that a new computer is on the horizon for the family for Christmas!!! Desperate relief!
    you could try UFRAW and GIMP under windows, see here on what to install. They are probably a bit more difficult to install than PS, Lightroom, etc., but they are free and there are versions working under older versions of windows.
    Or have a look at RawTherapee, also free.
    The first two give you raw development and post-production, Rawtherapee is only raw development afaik.

    You can always buy one of the commercial ones once you get a new computer (with lots of memory and hard disk space )


  13. #33

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    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    I'm busy today, but I will post something this evening for you. This is a forum, so the concept of interrupting doesn't really arise. But I can see that sometimes it looks as if people are having private conversations.
    Thank, take your time

    I was more afraid to go off topic than interupting anyone ^^

  14. #34
    rob marshall

    Re: Question for Rob...

    Quote Originally Posted by kontrol View Post
    Thank, take your time

    I was more afraid to go off topic than interupting anyone ^^

    Mathieu - I put it here What a difference some post-processing makes.

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