A very peaceful image; absolutely excellent use of light. I'm impressed by the total lack of chromatic aberration and sparkle on the water.
Wonderful shot. Wish I had this sort of expertise.
Was some sort of filter used ?
Thank you Steve!
Bobo, it's funny that you commented on my "expertise".
Let me explain myself.
I am shooting for about a month and my gear right now is an 8-year old compact, and as it is almost fully automatic, there aren't many things I can do on the technical side.
I think you would like to hear the story behind this shot. It goes like this:
I was taking a walk in the marina and saw this image to be interesting. Unfortunately the sun was facing directly at me but decided to try and capture it anyway. The result was pretty bad, as expected (abberation and sparkles), even without the sun in the frame, so I moved on.
After an hour or so (I learned being patient here in CiC), I noticed that the sun was hidden (though still bright enough) by thick clouds and thought this might be my chance. I went to that spot again, framed and shot. The light wasn't coming directly from the sun to the sensor but instead it was filtered!
Lastly in PP, I went for B&W because the colours were not very nice but the contrast seemed OK. I increased the contrast a little, then the shadows, some sharpening and that's it!
So, the filter was the clouds! I guess nature provides all the tools!
Hi Giannis, it appears that you have learned the power of patience! Nice shot!
Thanks for the info.
Yes, patience and persistence are the first things I learned about when starting about 10 months ago.
If you had not said so, it appeared as if you were using some fancy gear - goes to show how those little ones have progressed over the years.
I carry a small S90 in my pocket or in the car all the time with or without the big gear - there are just times when it makes more sense to use that.
What you have also learned is to see light. Good shot and well deserved.