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Thread: Adobe Lightroom 3

  1. #1

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    Adobe Lightroom 3

    Just came back from vacation, and now looking and adjusting my new photos.

    While adjusting my photos I noticed that when I modify small settings (minor, like bit of exposure, fill lights and by few points only) that my image start looking like it has a lot of noise. But when I zoom-in the noise is gone, unlike "real" noise where you see it bigger. And when I open my image using photoshop and look at it unzoomed, I don't see the noise I see in Lightroom. Is it normal? Who's "right"?

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    Happened to me, too a couple of days ago. Try to update your version. My problem was gone when I update mine. Hope this helps.

  3. #3

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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    "Your version is up to date". Doesn't go well damn

    My version is 3.4.1, what's your?

  4. #4
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    Same. Check if your ACR in Photoshop is up to date, too.

  5. #5

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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    In Lightroom, ACR is version 6.4.1. Could it be a different version between PS and Lightroom?

    Also I just noticed that the "noise" is removed when I return to "Library" mode. It only show in Develop Mode... Strange. Is it a "mode" that I don't know the option?

  6. #6
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    I can't say, Mathieu. What I did notice was that the "noise" or graininess that I noticed just went away when I updated my version. What if you contact Adobe? Maybe they have an explanation on what you noticed on your system.

  7. #7

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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    Made some test again. In library mode when I watch the photo since the first time since Lightroom was loaded, I get the ugly noise. I then view the image in 1:1 and the noise is gone, return to Fit and the noise is still gone.

    In develop When I go 1:1 the noise is gone, but when I come back in "Fit" the noise is back, unlike the Library mode.

    I made more test, if you ever have time (and willing to) make some test to see if the problem can be reproduced. On an image which has a lot of blacks, with 0 modification, If I put Recovery at 9, the photo is correct. If I put it at 10 the strange noise apear. And still in 1:1 that noise doesn't exist.

    Still I opened a discussion on Adobe Lightroom to see if the problem is known.

  8. #8
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    How big is your file size? My camera is only 6MP, perhaps the file size is also a factor? I have one big file from Bobobird. I'll use that as my test file. I'll revert to you after my test.

  9. #9
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    I loaded a 28MB image file. Opened it in LR, created a virtual copy, adjusted the exposure to -2 EV and viewed it 1:1 in develop mode - NO NOISE. Transferred my mode to LIBRARY - NO NOISE on any of the viewing size from Fit to 3:1. Does this happen to all your images or just an isolated case with a certain dark image? Usually if the image is dark noise is mostly lurking on those areas.

  10. #10

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    Re: Adobe Lightroom 3

    My camera is 12.2 MP.

    The noise only appeared after I hit 10 Recovery. There was NO noise at all with 9 recovery and lower. And It's probably just a display bug because when I hit that "Treshold" recovery value, the noise is constant. It's not increasing or decreasing as I move the slider. It's just there until I get below the treshold.

    I made some test again, I loaded up my image, at 0% exposition, 8 or more Recovery show noise, at 0.51% exposure, I have to hit 23 to get the noise. And still, in library mode, zoom-in, zoom-out and the noise is gone. But once I return in develop mode, it's there.

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