Re: Ladybird is falling down
Some shiny insects, Franci, are virtually impossible to photograph without a bit of reflective hotspots. Often, I find that they are actually worse without flash. If you can see these potential problem areas when you look through your viewfinder they are impossible to avoid.
Orlando, do you get 'Hummingbird Moths' where you live? (Sphingidae overall family)
I don't know what this is...
I was out practising shooting hand held macro flowers in the full sun. This fellow came and settled on a tea tree with all of the bees. He went away but kept coming back while I was there.
I have no idea what it was. I have never seen one in our garden before. He was about 50mm across the wings.
ISO 1600 f16 1/200th Zeiss Makro Planar 100 f2.0