Here are a couple from the garden today. These are not the best photographs, my Nikon is broken and I decided to play around with the magnification filters on the 200mm Lumix G1 lens.
#1 This sparkly green fly on the coreopsis caught my eye and even though I cut off some appendages and there is really nothing in focus, I still like it. I wanted the fast shutter speed because I was shooting hand held in awkward positions so I was not that steady and there was a bit of a breeze and coreopsis tends to blow around easily...
Anyway, I'm thinking the blurriness is OOF and not camera shake or wind related as the shutter speed was 1/2000s. Can anyone analyze this and tell me if I am on the right track with regards to the blurriness?
Lumix G1 14-200mm zoom @ 200mm f5.6 ISO 200 7x close up filters
#2. Same green fly from a different angle and different settings. I stopped down to f11 for this one. It's a bit sharper (I think) but I'm really not sure if that is due to more DOF or that the operator managed to click the shutter when the fly was in focus.
With these filters I focus by moving the camera back and forth, not the focus ring and with 7x filters theres not much wiggle room.
Panasonic Lumix G1, 45-200mm lens @ 109mm, f11, 1/800s, ISO 200, 7x close up filters
#3. Another terrible shot photographically speaking, but I kind of like it. These are aphids on the coreopsis stems. They are the size of pinheads, and I was just a little horrified when I zoomed in on them. They weren't there yesterday!
Panasonic Lumix G1, 45-200mm lens @ 200mm, f5.6, 1/200s, ISO 200, 7x close up filters