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Thread: Seminole Power Plant

  1. #1
    Rasbury's Avatar
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    Seminole Power Plant

    This is a photo of one of the power plants in Putnam Co Fla.It's a coal fired plant,but is one of the cleanest in the nation as far as pollution goes.I drove past this view during a thunder storm and the dark clouds made a really good backdrop against the structures of the plant.Did not have my camera with me.(shaking my head in disgust now)Went back a few days later to take a test shot to get and idea on the compositional part of the photo and this is what i ended up with.C&C are very welcome.Thanks for viewing...Ron

    Seminole Power Plant
    ISO 200,f/10,1/320 sec,55mm,PP in CS3.

    Bring on the storm clouds

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    Ron. To be a perfect photo, I would like to see it zoomed out just a little more. With a little more 'uninteresting' background on each side and slightly more of the greenery at the bottom.

    Easy if this is a crop, but there may well be good reasons why this would be impossible. In which case, never mind 99% is still a good score.

    ps. Coal fired power stations sounds a good idea. The UK is an island of coal sitting in a sea of oil - yet we have horrendous energy prices!

  3. #3
    Rasbury's Avatar
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Ron. To be a perfect photo, I would like to see it zoomed out just a little more. With a little more 'uninteresting' background on each side and slightly more of the greenery at the bottom.

    Easy if this is a crop, but there may well be good reasons why this would be impossible. In which case, never mind 99% is still a good score.

    ps. Coal fired power stations sounds a good idea. The UK is an island of coal sitting in a sea of oil - yet we have horrendous energy prices!
    Took your advice and re cropped the image starting from scratch to see where i had cropped it before.The left side is pretty much as is so i had to leave it like it was.The right side i moved out just a tad, but if i go any further then it just gets ugly.Had room at the bottom so i went that way.What do you think of this version.Thanks...Ron

    Seminole Power Plant
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th June 2011 at 09:04 PM.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    I like the cropping that you first posted. It is, I will admit, quite an unusual way to crop a landscape but, actually this isn't a landscape. To me, it is a portrait of the energy plant and a darn good one at that!

  5. #5
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    I think that if one is choosing between the first and the second crop, it depends on what story you would like to tell. If you want to accent the power plant as the center of attention, the first crop is the way to go. If one is a tree-hugger from the Pacific Northwest, as I am, then the contrast between the lush greenery and the industrial presence in it's midst is more attractive. If you tell the story, you can tell it how you like it. Photography is very rewarding in that respect.

  6. #6
    Rasbury's Avatar
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    Thanks Richard and Lon.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    I like the first image, Ron. These type places are tough to access. Ideally, an unobstructed shot (few trees) would have been nice, but that is rarely possible in this part of the country.

    Thanks for mentioning the emissions standards this plant lives up to. That is a constant fight and every time the standards are met, it seems like some bureaucrat with an agenda arbitrarily changes the rules. Coal is a huge part of the US economy.

  8. #8
    Rasbury's Avatar
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    Re: Seminole Power Plant

    Thanks Eric.

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