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Thread: I just want to delete some darned images...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    I just want to delete some darned images...

    I have an IOMEGA desktop external hard drive and when I want to delete an image, all I have to do is delete it! Simple as that, no problem at all. It works the way it should.

    However, I also have a Free Agent external hard drive which is completely filled up both with images and with backups from my genealogy program. When I try to delete any files from that drive, either images or my backup files from my genealogy program, the darned program tells me that I have to have Administrators permission to delete and I cannot figure out how to get that permission.

    Apparently, this is a problem which I am not the only Windows 7 user to experience. The web is filled with complaints but, no solutions.

    Microsoft even placed a thirty step explanation on how to delete files but I get about half way theough the 3-steps and the darned program tells me that I must have permission to go any further.

    I never used Vista because of inherrent problems like these but I thought that Windows 7 was supposed to have solved those type of problems. I have hated Windows 7 since I started to use it.

    Please don't tell me YOU SHOULD HAVE USED A MAC! I KNOW I SHOULD!!!!!!

  2. #2

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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Calm down with the mac stuff It's even worst, you have to install a program to uninstall other programs correctly so shhh for the pc fan boys

    So the photo are all on an external hard drive?
    Did you try to Open a CMD prompt as Administrator and deleting them from there? Or are you not familiar with the Command prompt?

    Start->In the search type "CMD"->Right click on CMD.exe->Run as Administrator->Then navigate to the folder

    To navigate

    x being the drive letter.
    CD "path"
    path must be between "" in case you have spaces
    then when your in the folder type
    del /F /Q FILENAME
    where filename is the name of the file with the extension. Here if the filename has spaces, don't put "".

    Sometime doing stuff from the CMD override some of the windows stuff. I'm unsure if it will work in your case but it might be worth to try.

  3. #3
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Alternatively, you could login as the administrator user and delete them, or add administrator privileges to the user you are using (not quite sure how it doesn't have them already). Let me know if you need instructions on that, and I can provide...

    Additionally, for Mathieu's suggestion of using the command prompt, a little trick there is to use the [tab] key for auto-complete of paths and filenames. Simply type the first couple letters, hit [tab], and it will auto-complete the name (and correctly handle whether ""s are needed or not (if there are spaces in the name - you actually do need the ""s)). If you didn't type enough letters to get the name you wanted, hitting [tab] again will cycle to the next possible match, then repeat as necessary. Just make sure you don't get into trouble deleting the wrong thing because you used auto-complete.

    - Bill

  4. #4

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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Not sure if you have tried this already. To enable your administrator log-in for windows 7:

    • right click CMD & run as administartor.
    • type this: net user adminsitrator /active: yes press enter. It should tell you that, you have enabled the admin account.
    • When you log out you should be able to see the administrator profile.

    Once your in the admin account you should be able to delete it.
    Last edited by Crovean; 28th June 2011 at 02:20 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Tricking the Windows 7 Security system is as bad as running in SU in Linux. So if this help you delete your files go for it, but remember to put it back to normal after.

  6. #6
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Quote Originally Posted by kontrol View Post
    Tricking the Windows 7 Security system is as bad as running in SU in Linux. So if this help you delete your files go for it, but remember to put it back to normal after.
    I work as root all the time in Linux... then again, I'm a systems administrator by trade, so I'm allowed. If I break it, I'm the one that has to fix it.

    - Bill

  7. #7

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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    I work as root all the time in Linux... then again, I'm a systems administrator by trade, so I'm allowed. If I break it, I'm the one that has to fix it.

    - Bill
    Yeah when you know what your doing all the time, that's great. However it's not recommended for everyone.

  8. #8
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Richard: I know you said please don't tell me to use a Mac; but I can't resist. I drank the kool aid 7 years ago and have not looked back. After spending 10-12 hours a month maintaining my wife's Windows 7 desk top computer, I convinced her to S---can it and bought us both 27" iMacs two years ago. Not one problem since and you can't believe how good your photos look on the 27" screen. I also use an Iomega back-up drive and easily control it through Apple's Time Machine. I spent years using Photoshop as well and find Aperture 3 much more user friendly and equally capable. You can get a deal on Macs at your Navy Exchange.......

  9. #9

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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    Must..... resist........ arrgggggg....

  10. #10
    Kris V's Avatar
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    Re: I just want to delete some darned images...

    What about this?
    Ran into the same issue a while back - this solved it for me.

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