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Thread: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

  1. #1

    Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Have Canon 450D.
    Current lenses are: Canon 18-55mm IS (kit lens)
    Canon 55-250mm IS (kit Lens)
    Canon 50mm 1.8
    Canon 28-105 USM 1:3:6-4:5

    Looking seriously at Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens. At the top of my budget right now. Is it worth the price tag?

    Opinions please.


  2. #2
    William W's Avatar
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    William (call me Bill)

    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Yes IMO the lens is worth the price tag.
    But I would not buy that lens.
    And it might be wasting your money, you buying it.

    What is it now that you CAN NOT you do with your 18 to 55 kit lens that this new lens will solve?


  3. #3

    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Yes IMO the lens is worth the price tag.
    But I would not buy that lens.
    And it might be wasting your money, you buying it.

    What is it now that you CAN NOT you do with your 18 to 55 kit lens that this new lens will solve?

    Looking at better IQ and less need to change lenses. Looking for a really good "walk around" lens.

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Quote Originally Posted by rj10719 View Post
    Looking at better IQ and less need to change lenses. Looking for a really good "walk around" lens.
    Thanks for the reply.

    1. Yes: the 15 to 85 IS has better IQ than the 18 to 55 IS kit lens.
    Arguably any IQ difference is very small, if even noticeable at F/8.

    2. I doubt that you’ll change lenses, many fewer times, having only 30mm more on the longer end.

    3. The 15 to 85 is still a Varying Maximum Aperture Zoom lens.
    It has almost the identical same slow apertures, across its zoom compass as the 15 to 55 kit lens.
    So there no there is no aperture speed advantage.
    Nor is there any non-varying aperture advantage, in buying this lens.

    These aperture advantage "improvements", I consider as two important criteria for a really good “walk about lens”, especially considering the (comparatively) limited ISO range of the 450D.
    But you also do not mention specifically, that slow aperture has been an hindrance to you: so an F/4 lens would suffice.

    4. The advantage of 3mm at the wide is arguably more considerable than the 30mm at the tele-end: but you do not mention specifically, that you cannot shoot wide enough, at the moment.

    Therefore based upon your OP and your response: it is my opinion that no, the 15 to 85 lens is not a good value for money purchase for you, at this time.


    Other Canon Lenses to consider which IMO present better value for money, based your criteria, would be (in no particular order):

    The EF-S 17 to 55F/2.8 IS USM (but no gain in telephoto).

    The EF24 to 70F/2.8L (if you can wear the lack of wide for the gain in Telephoto)

    The EF24 to 105F/4L IS USM (if you can wear the lack of wide for greater gain in Telephoto)

    Probably these three lenses are more expensive than your budget at present: but that does not negate my opinion that the 15 to 85 would be money unwisely spent, based upon what you have presented.


  5. #5

    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Wound up buying an eight month old Canon 28-135mm USM IS lens on E-Bay for about $200.00. So far very satisfied with results and overall construction of this lens.

    Any and all opinions please.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    The 28-135mm is a very decent range for a full frame camera but, a bit tight at the wide end when using a crop camera. I used one on my 10D and later on my 30D for several years and was not unhappy with it. It does a lot of jobs quite well.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Port Macquarie NSW Australia

    Re: Canon EFS 15-85mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens

    Have owned one of these lenses for about 2 years, firstly on a 450D then a 50D. A top lens, so versatile. If you seriously want one of these, hace a look ar DIGITAL PICTURE.COM reviews.

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