I'm very much in need of advice, so please bear with me while I explain. I’ve never taken a landscape photo with a DSLR camera before and am just about to start, but am feeling rather lost.
I’m approaching photography the same way as I do drawing, and it’s said that you must make 10,000 mistakes before learning how to draw. I suspect that it takes many times that amount of poor photographs before a skilled photographer is made
I’ve taken thousands of mediocre photos with a very cheap compact on auto, and learned that love for the subject and a passion for using the camera every day is not enough. All that repetition did not help me to improve. I want to start understanding exactly why my photos are bad.
I bought a DSLR camera last year and have only ever used it on manual as I wanted to discover how the Triune works, but I became obsessed with close-ups and have yet to learn how to photograph anything more than a foot away.
Now I also want to learn how to do landscapes, particularly seascapes. I’ve never been fond of full sun, but love all other weather conditions. I want to learn how to capture sea mists, rain and stormy seas. I don’t mind how many years it takes as the only goal I have is to slowly improve, and the process of learning gives so much daily pleasure.
So, I have the gear, mostly unused, and some nice PP software, also mostly untouched, and I’m ready to go. I live very close to the sea. I’m a very early riser and like to get out before dawn. I’m all set to go, but paralysed by indecision. I don’t know where to start because there’s so much beauty all around me.
If I was teaching someone how to draw, I’d start them off with simple exercises and not a finished piece. I don’t want to keep being disappointed by taking on subjects that are far beyond me in terms of skills. Likewise, there's no point in me presenting the first photo I take for criticism as there will be far too many things wrong with it
I want to start small, but have no idea how to begin. I would be so grateful for clues on how to make the kinds of mistakes that lead to learning in landscape photography. When I go out to the coast again before dawn tomorrow, how can I best use that time?
I work best when given boundaries, and am pleading for direction
Thanks for listening,