Or me
Hi Steve good shot. I'm not sure if mine are the same kind of bird, but I've spent a few hours (not all on the same day though) spinning in circles trying to get a shot of these guys, so your comment made me laugh. I don't know why I bother because I know I will not get a good shot. They are far too fast and small, but it's hard to resist when you see them swooping and diving. I think they must be great bug catchers because the farmers have nesting boxes all around their properties, and they certainly seem to want them there. I have not looked up the type of bird yet. I take it yours is some type of swallow, I thought mine was too, but looking at it now I am not so sure.
Here are 2 other shots of mine that are not good but better than any of the MANY I tried. Taken 2 different days and places, but I think the same type of bird.
I was so dizzy, I couldn't even get it right when they settled in a tree.
AND THEN to top it off this was taken the same day. If you look closley you will see a deer.

It was so far away and I thought it was a deer and I watched and watched but it did not move, not even a flick of the ear, so I thought it must be a piece of farm equipment or something in the field, I took a shot anyway and when I got finished spinning around after the birds the "farm equipment" was gone. I'm just posting this because I was so excited - I have not seen a deer out on the trail for years. Everyone tells me they are there, but I never ever see them.
Well, I'm obviously tired and I'm rambling and posting horrible pictures, but I just want to say that I can really appreciate the effort that must go into your wildlife shots.
Oh, another thing before I try to get to sleep - I think with those birds if you sit and watch them for awhile they have a flight pattern that they keep repeating. Figuring out the pattern and then hoping they stick to it might be the key for getting a better shot???