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Thread: Old Ties

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
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    Ken Outch

    Old Ties

    Alright. The story for this lot is as follows. Seymour used to be an important rail centre with large maintenance workshops in the old days when steam power was king. It still has busy rail traffic being on the main Melbourne/ Sydney interstate rail link as well as being a point from which many country lines diverge across the State. Anyway I wandered in off the street and got these shots of a train leaving the station and a pile of old trail track sleepers dumped in a pile beside the tracks. The beauty of our friendly little country town is that we tend to have a rather laid back attitude to fences and keeping people out of such interesting places.

    Old Ties

    Old Ties

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Old Ties

    You're lucky living in a community where people are not so obsessed with security that you can't get near interesting sites like this.

    Any thoughts about converting the first one to B & W?

  3. #3
    ucci's Avatar
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    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
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    Ken Outch

    Re: Old Ties

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    You're lucky living in a community where people are not so obsessed with security that you can't get near interesting sites like this.

    Any thoughts about converting the first one to B & W?
    Hi Donald
    Thanks for viewing and comment. To be frank, no, I hadn't thought of B&W. My facilities for doing this are limited to PS and I usually am not satisfied with the end product which just seems to lack the oomph others can achieve.

    Old Ties

    Old Ties

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Old Ties

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    My facilities for doing this are limited to PS and I usually am not satisfied with the end product which just seems to lack the oomph others can achieve.
    I think post-processing to produce B & Ws with 'oomph' is a learned skill. But if I can do it, then anyone can.

    I much prefer the train as a B & W. I hope it's not being too cheeky to suggest that it moves the image up from being a pleasant snap of a train up to being a picture produced by a photographer. Both of them need to be viewed in the Lightbox to see them at their best.

    Don't know if you know about the technique of Local Contrast Enhancement. That's the little beauty I turn to for the purposes of 'oomph'.

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