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Thread: London - X100 Style

  1. #1
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    London - X100 Style

    I won a pair of tickets to see Take That at Wembley and a trip to London through work - now I'd rather gnaw my own foot off that watch TT so the tickets went on eBay but the trip was a chance for my wife and I to escape the kids and for myself to field test a Fuji X100.....which I managed to get a loan of as I still can't figure a way of buying one.

    I had debated for a few days over what I was going to take, the Nikon with a couple of zooms and a prime were up there but the weight and bulk put me off. I did miss the lens range at times but the Fuji is light, silent and with a bit of moving about and creative framing I got the shots I was after.

    See what you think:

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    the Apple store in Covent garden....well I had to really

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

  2. #2
    PicsbyChance's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style


    I think you have some wonderful images. My favorites being, the commuter, the grain (?) display, and the iron statue in front of the palace. I also like the guy in the red suit, the Apple store, and Ceasar(?). I am not very good with urban shots myself so I have a lot of respect for those of you who can find interesting shots in the city. Nice work.


  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style


    That's an excellent set. Thank you for putting it up. And you remind us that it's the imagination, vision and skill of the person behind the camera that makes images worth looking at.
    Last edited by Donald; 9th July 2011 at 09:43 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: London - X100 Style


    Excellent set of pictures, indeed.
    Out of this set, the last photo is my favourite of the lot. Its funny to see how a formally dressed guy has a different direction from others (all casually dressed)
    I don't know if I am making sense to you

  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    The colour ones are superb; I'm always conscious of taking pics of people but you have got it exactly right. Can't remember Buck palace being quite like that though.

  6. #6

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    Re: London - X100 Style

    What a wonderful group of pictures, Robin. Looks like a fun camera... not to mention that you have a really good eye for what makes a good image. My favs (not that a person always have to have favorites... but we do) are... the market one with the lavender vendor... very nice... and the commuter one. Thanks for sharing.

  7. #7

    Re: London - X100 Style

    These are just super, Robin! Really, very enjoyable to look through. and, I mean, enough so that, even though I'm in sort of a rush, this morning, I really wanted to stop and register and tell you so.=]

  8. #8
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Thanks very much,

    I'm rather pleased with the last shot too as it captures how I felt the underground was - rushed but with some people seeming to be calm.

  9. #9
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: London - X100 Style

    That little camera of yours seems to be a very good thing to use for street photography, Robin. I am very much delighted with the shots you got.

  10. #10

    Re: London - X100 Style

    Robin, You are doing nothing to convince me not to use my DSLR as a door stop and buy an X-100. The colour shots are great. That fast lens certainly makes short work of some tricky lighting conditions.

  11. #11
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Thanks for posting Robin. Impressive shots and certainly another bunch of good reasons for me to look seiously at the X100.

  12. #12
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Some really nice shots there. Do you feel like you needed the Nikon in any of these?

  13. #13
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    I don't remember seeing this post when it first started - but never too late ! - great set of shots Robin.

    Just looking at the names of those contributing to the thread gives me a great trip down memory lane too !

    Last edited by dje; 14th June 2013 at 08:44 PM.

  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Re: London - X100 Style


    These are seriously cool shots!

    Does the Fugi X100 have a IF sensor for cordless remote control shots?


  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Hi Robin,

    I don't remember these back in July '11 either

    Each made me think, perhaps because I recognise some of the places, or am familiar with just how 'representative' they are.

    .. and thanks to Sharon for bringing them to light again

  16. #16
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    I won a pair of tickets to see Take That at Wembley and a trip to London through work - now I'd rather gnaw my own foot off that watch TT so the tickets went on eBay but the trip was a chance for my wife and I to escape the kids and for myself to field test a Fuji X100.....which I managed to get a loan of as I still can't figure a way of buying one.

    I had debated for a few days over what I was going to take, the Nikon with a couple of zooms and a prime were up there but the weight and bulk put me off. I did miss the lens range at times but the Fuji is light, silent and with a bit of moving about and creative framing I got the shots I was after.

    See what you think:

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    the Apple store in Covent garden....well I had to really

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style

    London - X100 Style
    Nice set.

  17. #17
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Nice set of shots. I particularly liked the mono in the park and the shot of Caesar(?).

  18. #18
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: London - X100 Style

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    I won a pair of tickets to see Take That at Wembley and a trip to London through work - now I'd rather gnaw my own foot off that watch TT so the tickets went on eBay but the trip was a chance for my wife and I to escape the kids and for myself to field test a Fuji X100.....which I managed to get a loan of as I still can't figure a way of buying one.

    I had debated for a few days over what I was going to take, the Nikon with a couple of zooms and a prime were up there but the weight and bulk put me off. I did miss the lens range at times but the Fuji is light, silent and with a bit of moving about and creative framing I got the shots I was after.

    See what you think:

    London - X100 Style

    A great way to open a series of images......

    London - X100 Style

    Nothing special....yet goes with the story....

    London - X100 Style

    very nice image; i love that.....

    London - X100 Style

    when we shoot huge buildings without perspective distortions, they become very static...i always love such distoritons which create a feeling awe.....

    London - X100 Style

    great; yet i am desirous of some one walking in front of the arches....

    London - X100 Style

    Superb; if that person were also in focus, this would have been just another image......

    London - X100 Style

    I feel the person should have been off centre; i see there is a slot for him in the back ground too....

    London - X100 Style

    Superb image.....

    London - X100 Style

    There is reason for him to be seen at the centre...symmetry

    London - X100 Style

    sometimes giving less prominence is a way to give more prominence...liked it very much

    London - X100 Style
    i always love combination of statics Vs dynamics

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