I won a pair of tickets to see Take That at Wembley and a trip to London through work - now I'd rather gnaw my own foot off that watch TT so the tickets went on eBay but the trip was a chance for my wife and I to escape the kids and for myself to field test a Fuji X100.....which I managed to get a loan of as I still can't figure a way of buying one.
I had debated for a few days over what I was going to take, the Nikon with a couple of zooms and a prime were up there but the weight and bulk put me off. I did miss the lens range at times but the Fuji is light, silent and with a bit of moving about and creative framing I got the shots I was after.
See what you think:
A great way to open a series of images......
Nothing special....yet goes with the story....
very nice image; i love that.....
when we shoot huge buildings without perspective distortions, they become very static...i always love such distoritons which create a feeling awe.....
great; yet i am desirous of some one walking in front of the arches....
Superb; if that person were also in focus, this would have been just another image......
I feel the person should have been off centre; i see there is a slot for him in the back ground too....
Superb image.....
There is reason for him to be seen at the centre...symmetry
sometimes giving less prominence is a way to give more prominence...liked it very much