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I used to use hyperfocal distance focusing quite a bit when taking photos using manual focus predigital gear, and was initially baflled how this was achieved on a digital camera with autofocus. With a manual focus lens it was easy as the lens barrel had it all marked out for you. The hyperfocal distance was the closest distance in your scene that was in focus when everything from that point to infinity was also in focus. In other words the hyperfocal distance gave the maximum depth of field at a given aperture. Now I note my Canon DSLR has a A-dep setting which I think achieves the same effect, but it needs electronics and computing rather than a simple manual setting of a screw ring. So I am not sure about what people are talking about 'focusing at the hyperfocal distance' as this will depend on the lens and aperture and changes for each aperture with the HD being greater the smaller the aperture and the shorter the lens. Someone correct me if my predigital meanderings dont translate into digital logic.