I recently tried portraiture for the first time. My wife was a semi-willing subject, but is definitely more comfortable with it after seeing some of the shots. Initially we tried to get some shots at the beach, but I couldn't get the shot composed right (early morning) and it was way too hot out already. We came back to the house and set up there. These were shot with a 70-200 f2.8 at between 135 and 200 and 2.8 and 4. I had a flash on the ground facing the wall behind her on low power on a wireless trigger, a flash to camera right bounced off the ceiling at low power on a wireless trigger. She was positioned with a sliding glass door about a foot to camera left, just in front of her. I had a white reflector, but I had it on the wrong side (it is on camera right, should've been on camera left I think). She requested a fan to blow her hair. Please let me know what I can do to improve my photography on these shots.
As shot:
Processed and Cropped:
Processed and Cropped:
Processed and Cropped:
Processed and Cropped:
For post-processing, I followed Scott Kelby's directions in his CS3 book for skin smoothing (guassian blur, layer mask, high pass and soft light).