Originally Posted by
She looks cute, full of mischief and eager to run off and play.
As for the image I have a few suggestions for next time you photograph her, which I expect will be very soon as you are obviously so proud of her.
My suggestions are only minor points as you seem to have grasped all the main points -
the eyes - should be the sharpest part of the image, which you have done.
catch light - the white spot in her eyes which is reflected light either sunlight or flash.
pose - you have captured her latent energy and character very well.
1) Take her outside into your garden or local park, animals usually look so much better in a natural environment rather.
2) Have a selection of her favourite toys to play with, she will be relaxed and that will come across in your images.
3) Get down low, photograph her from around her eye level.
Oh I don't like that hard vignette, if you must have one try using a soft edge to it.
If you do try again please post your images for us all to enjoy.