I avoid explaining my past like the plague Seri but since you asked; I was really good at pure mathematics and was even offered jobs in research down the south, trouble was I lived in the north and was married with a kid. Couldn't afford the move and it was considerably harder to find a job where I lived; for instance one very large company said:'they would rather employ an engineer that can do something else as well as mathematics,' another said: ' we have no use for abstract maths.'
I realised the odds were stacked against me and as I didn't want to be viewed as mediocrity, avoided teaching the school math nonsense, but did not want to languish on the dole and so eventually became a lorry driver, of the large 14 wheel sort, while I looked for a proper job.
Unfortunately this job then became the millstone that defined me: one employer said, 'my staff are high flyer's and non of them would ever do a thing like that.'
So lorry driving was all I ended up doing; albeit with rather challenging reading matter, until one day I was opening my trailer in a factory and was run over and knocked out by a fork lift truck, causing a brain injury, preventing me seeing more than one step ahead, bad short term memory, slow reactions and a change in character from non-smoking teetotal fitness fanatic, to a heavy smoking, heavy drinking violent womanising thug.
Well I'm not that anymore but I still like a tipple and keep away from the ladies.
Nothing much happened in my life really. The only constant thing is photography on and off all the way through.