Hi John,
I'm very glad you mentioned that, and you're quite right. I left the academic road a long time ago and now make many a slip by acting spontaneously rather than thinking things through, but I'm very happy to learn by being corrected
I've never read anything about personality types, but I've just had a look and discovered that I'm an ISTP - a Mechanic; but not quite so 'quiet and reserved'

People can't be forced into sixteen little boxes, of course, but it makes things more complicated. Perhaps it would be best just to ask how personality affects what we photograph and how we do it?
That makes a lot of sense. I choose not to photograph people at all
I agree with that, but apart from your social sense, I think that something about your personality must have a say in what you choose to photograph. Would you agree?
I agree with the above statement when the subject matter involves people. A photographer that concentrates on specific body parts obviously has a bit of a fetish, such as only photographing feet or hands. However, if the same photographer has an larger rotation of images, you may never recognize their obsession with a particular limb.
I am the other way round. When I was younger I was supremely good at socialising, but for the last eleven years I've done a complete about turn. Was there any particular event that acted as a catalyst for the change in you, or was it gradual?
I think what changed my personality was realizing that I spent too much time in my home studio trying to perfect my artistic skills and not enough time actually enjoying the real world.
I've drawn in various media ever since I could hold a crayon, but from the moment I first had a little compact camera I started leaving my sketchbook at home. Like you, I carry a camera with me everywhere, and I've become so besotted with taking photos that I rarely draw these days. I do miss it though, and have plans to combine drawing with photography, either drawing from photos or learning what PS can do.
What subjects did you choose to depict in your artworks, and are they the same that you now take with your camera?
The subjects depicted in my artwork included architecture, figurative, and some landscapes. When I took up the camera those subjects sort of carried over and I have also added a lot of still life to my studies.