Yo Dude! (Err Dudess).
I really like this photo. Some might argue that the dude in the background could be cloned out but I like hime there. I also like the toned down sepia effect and the vignetting. I tried skateboarding about 25 years ago.... once!
1. That's beautifully exposed
2. Superbly finished, in terms of PP.
As you know, I'm going through my square phase at the moment. I can see the thinking behind the large area of foreshore in front of aforementioned dude, but .....................
Like Mark, I think that figure in the background is an integral part of the image. It gives it its uniqueness. Now ...... if you were to make a 1:1 (square) image using the existing right, top and bottom edges, would you agree with me that you would end up with an ever more powerful image and one in which that figure took on a even more interesting role?
Just a thought.
When I was working on it the thought came to my mind that Donald might suggest a square crop.I'm sure you are correct... as usual.
I'll rework it... after more coffee... and probably after I go sweat my arse off (well, try to anyway) on my 7 or so mile walk. The sweating part will be easy since it's already 85F with a heat index of 95F. What does this have to do with the image? Nothing. After two and a half weeks of being home alone Lucy's getting tired of hearing my voice (she is still on the bed snoozing... most likely faking it so I don't bug her) so I chat here.
What do you think about the re-worked version?
I'm not sure. I like how on the first one, the left side edges are a bit darker. I tried to darken just that side, but couldn't get it quite the way I see it in my head... I'll work on it later... maybe.
Hmmmm... after looking at them both some more... the right side on the cropped version is a bit darker than the uncropped. I wonder if I missed a step or... I'll have to open up the psd and compare.
It is a stronger image and brings much more emphasis to Tye and also brings the paddle surfer more into the story.
What do you think?
Hi Mary... or Lucy..., That crop really brings attention to the skimborder action! I like it. The brightness shift from left to right is unusual but it doesn't seem to negatively affect the result, just to make me wonder and examine the shot more closely. Well done!
Personally, I really like the square version. I think it gives the image a lot more energy and, as I thought, mystery in the shape of that figure in the background. It does cut down on teh 'open space' feeling and if that was the main message of the image (which I could see that it might be), then the square crop doesn't work. That question takes us back to the issue of what was our vision for the final image at the time we pressed the shutter.
My first reaction on seeing the cropped version was - Oh oh! She's left the vignette on the right hand side but not added it on the 'new' left hand side. But ........ I think that works. Because, if you had re-done the vignette then the mysterious figure would have been caught up in it and that wouldn't have had, what I see as, the desired effect. That figure fulfils the job on the left-hand side that the vignette fulfils on the rigth-hand side ... I think!
Thank you, Donald.
The way you explain and describe what you see or envision, really helps me think a bit more about what it is that I am trying to capture. Often it is just a moment in time that means something and I forget to look at everything that is in the frame.Or, the story that might be told through the image. This image was simply capturing a moment in time and the paddle surfer was a bonus.
Thank you for your time and patience that you freely give.![]()
well great that you have started using the stuff related to your DSLR! A big congrats!
Ummmm even I like the cropped version more![]()
And yea, I like the processing...
Hi Mary;
Ah youth!!!
Consider this: next time instead of shooting the "action-figure" moving away from you and we can't see the face. Turn the shot around and see the face and the motion moving toward the camera.
PP is wonderful... very appropriate
Wonderful image Mary! I prefer the large open space of the first one.