Nice subject, Frank. I think the background is way too overexposed and the exposure is too high on the whole image. I don't see anymore texture on the white areas on the feather of the bird. Just an observation.
I like it way better than the first one, too. Nice work on the 2nd edit, Frank.
Yep, I go with Willie's comment, Frank. The re-work is a much stronger image.
Yea, the messy background still bothers me but sometimes there are things you have little or no control over. Thanks Willie and Donald.
The second image is WAY better , frank. If you want to focus the light a little bit, try this little trick.
copy the image----grab the laso tool---trace around the bird---click quick mask-- invert---gaussian blur set to about 85---click off quick mask---layer mask reveal selection---set blend mode to multiply---reduce opacity to around 20 or 25. Give it a try , it makes a big difference (subtle, but big impact)
Hi Steve. As the Chinese say "Sum-Ting-Wong". I think I'm not selecting Quick Mask correctly because once I do, I no longer see the selection ants. I do have a layer mask, but the Gaussian Blur shows all white for the preview so I must not have something selected properly.
When you select quick mask (little square box at bottom left menu), the screen will turn light red (except what you selected, it will look normal). Then invert and what you selected will turn light red. Then blur and you will see some nice feathered edges on the light red quick mask. Then click off the quick mask and you will see the selection ants, only they will be a little different than what you selected (that is ok) Then go to layer mask, reveal selection and you will see in the mask box a black mask of what you selected. Then change the blending mode to multiply and reduce the opacity.
Hi Steve. Sorry to be so thick. When I select the Quick Mask, nothing turns red until I select Color Range under Masks. Then I get the behavior you describe. When I close the Color Range box, the image goes back to normal. I'm guessing that I have an incorrect setting somewhere. I've tried a number of combinations and it looks like I am producing the desired result, that is, I can control the brightness of just the background with the Blending Option, Opacity slider. This is how it now looks. What do you think? Is the fact that I don't see the red unless the Color Range box is open critical? Thanks for helping.
Last edited by FrankMi; 18th July 2011 at 12:03 PM.
I think I have identified this bird as a Grey Crowned Crane from Africa. I wish I had taken photos of the name tags while I was there!