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Thread: motivation returning

  1. #1
    tonyfromlincs's Avatar
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    motivation returning

    Hi All
    Not been on for a while due to total lack of interest in my lovely camera that i cannot get to grips with. In fact i nearly sold it. I have just returned from a holliday and went to a zoo, camera in hand amd i came across this Eagle of which i am quite pleased with and all of a sudden i feel alive again , isnt life strange ! Please feel free to comment should you wish

    motivation returning

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    That is indeed a good one, Tony. You've coped with quite an exposure challenge with the very dark and very light and you've got the feathers beautifully sharp.

    I hope you do feel you are being able to get to grips with the camera. There is no substitute for shooting, shooting, shooting until the camera starts to feel like an extension of your fingers. Is it understanding and learning what all the dials and buttons do that was the problem? Or is it more about what results you will get from different settings?
    Last edited by Donald; 18th July 2011 at 08:19 PM.

  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    What a stellar shot to revive your interest using your camera again, Tony. Very nicely done. Hope you will continue on your photographic journey and show us some sample shots along the way.
    Last edited by jiro; 18th July 2011 at 08:19 PM.

  4. #4
    tonyfromlincs's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Hi Mackenzie
    Thanks for your very kind words, i am learning my dials, settings etc and even learning to under and overexpose as i did in this picture, however if i could produce pictures like this all the time i would be so happy. I see pictures on this sight that just blow me away they are awsome and i would love to be able to just get a few as good.

  5. #5
    tonyfromlincs's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Hi Jiro

    Thanks very much, you know all that is needed is someone to encourage you, now i know why this site is the best.


  6. #6
    CBImages's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Lovely image Tony, its not easy to get the exposure balance right especially when photographing a bird with white feathers on a sunny day, I've tried and failed. I would have posted one of my attempts for you to see and laugh at my 'blown' highlights but I can't seem to upload anything at the moment, I will try again tomorrow.
    You have got it spot on - whites not too bright and darks not too dark.
    A good tip I got from a wedding photographer who often photographs brides in white dresses on sunny days - he recommended using the 'sunny white' F22 rule - you may of heard of the 'sunny day' F16 rule (on a sunny day when shooting at F16 your shutter speed is a reciprocal of your ISO - i.e. F16, ISO 100, Shutter speed 1/100 sec).
    Well when shooting anything that has bright white in it on a sunny day a good place to start is the F22 rule - F22, ISO 100, Shutter speed 1/100 sec.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your images.



  7. #7
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    All I can say, Tony, is WOW! You seem to have gotten everything correct, right down to the pose. I wish I could do as well, and maybe, someday, I will. Congratulations!

  8. #8
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Stick with it Tony! First it is one stellar image like this, then two, then three... it definitely takes time. Like any skill, you usually have to put in the effort to start getting the returns. Hang in there and it'll start happening more easily.

    - Bill

  9. #9

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    Re: motivation returning

    It's good to have people able to take this high-quality shot back to the field!
    Congratulations! It is a very appealing image!

  10. #10
    Seriche's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Hi Tony,

    I'm just learning DSLR too, and sometimes I get so frustrated that I want to throw the camera over the cliffs, but, like you, those few shots that work well keep me going.

    I agree with what Bill said, and Jiro recently posted a quote by Bernard J. Suess which sums up what I know to be true, but find so hard to practise sometimes :

    "Living in a society obsessed with success, we often seek immediate gratification. If something doesn't work the first time, we search for success elsewhere. I have found that success often depends upon repeated arduous efforts, often with moderate improvements. It is in the repetition that we hone our skills."

    You know what you are capable of now, so keep going


  11. #11
    CBImages's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Hi - BT have just finished rewiring my telephone at the exchange so I can now upload images once again.
    Here is my attempt at a Bald Eagle, as the sun was strong I was concentrating on the translucent effect on the beak but blew the white feathers on the top and the back of the head. Almost an image I was delighted with but due to the blown highlights its one of those images I have filed away under - 'could do better if tried harder'.
    In the meantime I will enjoy the work of others who have captured images of this magnificent bird of prey without blowing the feathers.


    motivation returning

  12. #12
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Hi Chris, it is a stunning image even with the blown highlights! I'd trade it any day for one of mine that is technically correct but with a less than steller subject.

  13. #13
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    LOL! Seri, when you feel like you want to throw your DSLR off a cliff, let me know which one so I'll know where to stand!

  14. #14
    Seriche's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    OK, Frank. And because I like you, I'll send you the tide tables too

  15. #15
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: motivation returning

    Quote Originally Posted by Seriche View Post
    OK, Frank. And because I like you, I'll send you the tide tables too
    ROFL! Ah, it's good to have friends!

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