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Thread: Loving trust

  1. #1
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Damien Kraut

    Loving trust

    On a walk in the midlands, we stopped for a picnic and while shotting around the picnic site i took this while actually trying to shoot just the dog, i kinda liked the way it looked, and turned into a B&W for extra effect.

    Let me know your thought as C&C always welcome.

    Loving trust

  2. #2
    Seriche's Avatar
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    Re: Loving trust

    I like it very much. I can almost feel what it would be like to be patting that dog, and you've caught its nature very well.

    A tiny bit more room around it would be good to my eye, but not too much.

    Now you've made me want to pick the dog up and give it a cuddle


  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Loving trust

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongwopman View Post
    On a walk in the midlands, we stopped for a picnic and while shotting around the picnic site i took this while actually trying to shoot just the dog, i kinda liked the way it looked, and turned into a B&W for extra effect.
    I kinda like it too Damien. Not sure whether you've cropped it or not, but I think there is just enough of the dog and the hand in frame. The image is all about the interaction between the person and the dog.


  4. #4
    Mongwopman's Avatar
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    Damien Kraut

    Re: Loving trust

    Thanks everyone. As i said I was'nt aiming to catch the hand, as it was an accident.....a good one at that. I would have liked to have caught just a bit more of the hand maybe including the wrist a bit.

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