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Thread: Poplar Trees

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Poplar Trees

    First thing every morning. Last thing at night.

    They were there.

    They stood like sentinels over the landscape.

    Poplar Trees
    40D, 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM @ 24mm. ISO100. 1/30@f16.

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Very nice! I like the composition and the processing.

  3. #3

    Re: Poplar Trees

    I spent some time with this, when at the Met, this spring. It's not the same (well, exactly) but, boy, did this photo make this pop into my mind. Anyway, it was one of those moments that the more i looked, the more I saw - the scene kept opening up to me.

    Poplar Trees

    Monet - Path Ile St. Martin

    Gosh, Donald, is it my imagination or is this photo clear as a bell? The patterns in the sky are beautiful! And, all of the detail - in the tree, the grass, the vineyard, the hills - it's just beautiful, to me!

    Would it be alright if I said that a lot of these photos are a bit subtle? In a lovely way, of course... I'm starting to feel this wonderful sense of having been to an arid, sun drenched land, myself.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Thank you Willie and Katy

    The mere fact that one of my images might prompt thoughts of Monet, makes me rather proud.

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Would it be alright if I said that a lot of these photos are a bit subtle?
    That would be considered a most welcome and highly prized compliment. That's certainly what I want my photographic achievements to be.

  5. #5
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Katy spoke for me, Donald, but I just want to reiterate that that sky is a marvel. A wonderful lesson in subtlety.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Thank you, Janis. As I wrote when we were discussing this one, the skies and in particular the clouds in this part of the world were wonderful. Here in Scotland we get a lot of cloud (usually carrying lots of rain), but in Beaujolais, it was the variety of types of cloud that was truly amazing.

    For some people it may seem rather unusual to get so excited by this, but it's the fact that this is nature at work (probably affected by humankind's damaging behaviour towards the environment!) that is awe-inspring.

    With this one, I was concerned about going too bright with the land, but I felt the sky needed that. A darker land would not have worked in my opinion. I also wanted it in the middle of the day when the trees were not casting a long shadow. I wouldn't normally shoot at this time of day, but I felt it was the right approach for this one.

    These trees were just down below where we were staying, so I had the luxury of being able to wait a few days until conditions were, I felt, right.
    Last edited by Donald; 20th July 2011 at 02:21 PM.

  7. #7
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Nice work Mr. D The clarity and sharpness of the landscape and surrounds is brilliant and one area where you really do excel; amongst many others. Love the old Church with black spires.

  8. #8
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Nice one Donald - I love the sky and the what looks like a village as a back drop to the tree. I am particularly fascinated by the unusual twin towered church and wonder where this shot was taken.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Chris, Ken - Thanks for your comments

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH View Post
    Nice one Donald - I love the sky and the what looks like a village as a back drop to the tree. I am particularly fascinated by the unusual twin towered church and wonder where this shot was taken.
    This is St Joseph in Beaujolais, France. At just over 500metres, it's the highest point where vines are grown in the whole Beaujolais area.

    The church is not in use. In other local churches there were collection boxes asking people to donate towards the restoration fund for this church. I don't want to start a debate about religion or religious organisations (about which I have views), but I couldn't help feeling that the 40,000 Euros this devout, rural and not overly-wealthy community was trying to raise was no more than loose change to the organsiation to which this church belongs and which seems to be dripping with gold and other valuables and amazing wealth in its main, high-profile centres and, particularly, at its HQ. The people of St Joseph might be grateful for some of that.

  10. #10
    ChrisH's Avatar
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    Re: Poplar Trees

    Thank you Donald - your point is very well made.

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