I converted this shot from color using Paintshop Pro X2. I cloned out a car and some guy that were in the background. I used the clarify tool and curve levels,as well as brightness and contrast tools,and channel mixer with sliders for red,blue and green. I am kind of getting the hang of using Paintshop Pro X2. Post Processing is lots of fun. Thanks all,,,,,,,, Joe
Last edited by jjbacoomba; 20th July 2011 at 02:43 AM.
Joe - I'm not sure if it is just me, but it looks as if you have used some brush on the lion and it has consistently spilled out on the background. It looks to me that there is about 1cm worth of folliage that is darker than its surrounds all around the lion?
Maybe I am imagining things or possibly this was actually as photographed?
Interesting! I saw that too. looked like some sort of shadow. I didnt use any sort of brush on the lion. Now I am wondering what I did. I should keep notes as I go along.I didnt even think of separating it from the background at the time. I wonder if it was something I did with the different levels I used. I will check the original(color) and see if its there too.
Last edited by jjbacoomba; 21st July 2011 at 12:13 AM.
There does seem to be very slight darkening of the trees above the lion's back. Possibly an area of the tree line was in a bit of shadow from overhanging branches or just the angle of light.
Maybe, increasing the contrast has exaggerated this slight shadow. But, even so, I can't make out any difference around the head. So I'm not really sure of the cause.
Thanks Guys! Thanks Ricco I see what you mean about the foliage. As for painting on a layer mask or similar, I havent got around to learning layers yet. Geoff, I agree with what you said about the shadow from overhanging branches and light angle as well as increasing the contrast. I really need to start taking notes when I do any PP work so I remember what was done. Thanks for the help y'all!