I think you've got the point of focus on that tree trunk behind the middle bird (which is as sharp as a tack) and not on the birds themselves. They look a little soft to me. Or is it just a little motion blur?
I think you're right Donald
Hi Ken,
I get this from time to time, you just have to be very careful, if they are 'ducking about' while sitting on a branch, making focusing on an eye impractical, put your single focus point on the legs of one and see if that works more consistently (I fnd it does).
Thank you to Donald and Dave for viewing and posting helpful advice. Yes they were pretty active and on the move. However I went ahead anyway as I was more interested in the overall pattern of colours rather than the actual birds per se. The suggestion of focussing on a leg in these situations was most useful. Thank you.
I really like these photos of your bird life,Ken.With the advice above you'll get some good sharp shots too. Looking forward to seeing more.
Hi John
Thanks for viewing and encouragement. I will try my best!
Have you been following the Murdoch Saga? Very interesting. Was going to get back to you on it. Has some political spin off down here. But don't mess with Mrs Murdoch No 3 hey? She seems to be ready to pitch in and have a go. Packs a mean right hook from what saw on the TV!