Thanks so much for your invitation. This morning I took a seat and put it just a couple of feet from my kitchen back door. And waited. While I didn't move that seat, and just turned to face all points of the compass, it took me longer than 15 minutes because of the sun playing hide and seek behind lots of small clouds, and a fresh breeze which swayed everything so much that I had to wait for ages before taking the shots as I don't use a flash. Excuses over now
I wanted to make a wildlife garden originally, but it looked to be an expensive endeavour. Then a craving for photographic gear began, so I handed the land back to the original owners, and nature made a fine job of tempting in the wildlife all on its own
Not great art, but it was a really good way to make me start trying to make photos instead of finding them. Excellent idea, Wendy. Looking forward to seeing other people's responses to the challenge
Love on a bin lid + voyeur
Young grasshopper:
Natural still life (really have *got* to learn how to clone things out soon
Young cricket. So hard to get all the antennae in sometimes