Beautiful image, amazing colours, understanding wife
Beautiful image, amazing colours, understanding wife
Congratulations, Tommy! You were on the right place on the right time, but also, of course, skillfully enough to make the picture =)
No, no, I'm afraid it doesn't. It's quite true that Mr. Wirefox has two (well, honestly, probably way more thant that) and Rob does indeed have one, or so... and, yes, and we do love them for it but it's no bad thing to be a 'gee' guy! I mean, do they have a harem, I ask you?
Oh, and, thank you, Tommy, for being so forbearing with us!
Diolch Joanne (love your sig ) and obrigado Jonathan!
@Katy (and Donald) - I'm looking forward to letting 'the wife' read through this thread when she gets back from work later
Brilliant capture - not just one discharge but two.
..Indeed Donald - or this would have happened
An outstanding capture there, Tommy!
I would love to capture a strike pattern such as this.
Wow, very nice capture.