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Thread: Gone Fishing

  1. #1
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Gone Fishing

    Hi All,

    Me again! Just wanted to share a short series of a white heron that was fishing near our villa one morning.

    I wasn't neglecting 'the wife' this time - we were both sitting on our sun loungers while this guy was trying to catch fish on a nearby fallen palm tree! She was reading, i was snapping away :P

    C&C appreciated.

    Gone Fishing

    Gone Fishing

    Gone Fishing

    Thanks for viewing

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Gone Fishing

    Awesome shots, Tommy. You have some color cast issue with all 3 shots though all are not that bad. #1 and #3 are winners for me.

  3. #3
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Gone Fishing

    Cheers mate... Could you possibly elaborate on the colour cast issues? Not sure I know what you mean?

  4. #4
    RockNGoalStar's Avatar
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    Re: Gone Fishing

    Hmmm... I've just loaded up my main PC (I've been processing all my photos on my laptop recently) and these look terrible... ...they look completely different...

    Very strange I want to buy a MAC

  5. #5
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Gone Fishing

    On the 1st image, if you will notice the sea has that semi greenish-blue tint, probably a combination of the green sea with a reflection of the blue sky. You will see the same color but lesser on the underside of the wings of the bird. That's color cast. You can opt to correct it if you want or the viewer can notice it as a color cast issue. Since we primarily "know" or we are familiar with the idea that the birds' feathers are almost milky white the color cast is easily noticeable. Another strong possible issue is if your computer screen monitor is a little bit off in its color balance. Just a thought.

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