Here's a sample of some of the lightning pics I have taken. What can I do to get better, crisper pics to come out. I'm shooting a Canon EOS Rebel, 10.1 megapixel. I used to shoot a lot of film and I seem to be losing something now that I have gone digital and I'm not sure what I'm missing. I'm setting the F-stop the same as I would with my old Olympus and using the same ISO. I know that composition is not great, but this is West Texas and I have a heck of a time finding interesting back drops for pics in the flat plains of west Texas.
Let me know what I can do differently, and give me some suggestions on shooting on digital. I thought the transition from film to digital would be easy, but it's definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.
IMG_1061 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
Lightning 2 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
IMG_0017-1 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr
This isn't a lightning shot, but it's a dust cloud at the leading edge of a gust front from a collapsing thunder storm. Of course it collapsed!!! With the way this summer has gone I honestly believe that rain has been outlawed in this area.
Gust Front 4 by KHarmon1971, on Flickr