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Thread: Lamp Bibli

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Lamp Bibli

    Very nice.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Chandigarh, India
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    Sahil Jain

    Re: Lamp Bibli


  4. #4
    Seriche's Avatar
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    Bailiwick of Guernsey
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    Re: Lamp Bibli

    Well seen, Fernando

    Your image is not as uncomplicated as it seems at first glance. I love the design (which has vague touches of Piet Mondrian in it) and I also enjoy exploring the subtle colour transitions, like the ghosts of the four light bulbs inside the lamp.

    May I ask where you saw the lamp, and how you came to envision it as a photograph from that angle? And also what position you had to get into to get the shot?

    I recently failed to get a shot I wanted of some bell ropes in a church because I was too embarrassed to lie on my back on a baptismal font which was directly beneath them, so I need some lessons in extreme photography


  5. #5

    Re: Lamp Bibli

    Yes, it is interesting, indeed, of course! It feels like those black lines going up the left and across the top were drawn there - they're so perfect. When I first opened this photo, yesterday, my three sons were looking over my shoulder and they immediately LOVED this. Which.... was confusing for me because it isn't a train or a zoo animal. Fernando, this is a compliment - I often ask them which photo is better because they are more in tune with "it".

    Was it taken in a library or bookstore?

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