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Thread: Howdy from Seattle, WA

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jul 2011
    Seattle, WA USA
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    Howdy from Seattle, WA

    My name is Katherine, but everyone calls me Kath. I live in Seattle, WA USA. I’ve owned several different types of cameras over the years, but it has only been in the last few years that I’ve really gotten “into” photography. I recently upgraded from a P&S to a Panasonic GH2 and I’m finding it has quite a learning curve. I started out as a purely vacation photographer, but over the past few years I’ve started to get more adventurous and now I snap anything that appeals to me. I am still bad at people and street photography, but I’m improving. I would like to develop the ability to see more creatively as my pictures have a tendency to be “postcard” shots or the angle is boring or it just doesn’t convey what I wanted.

    You can see my photos at:

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Howdy from Seattle, WA

    Hi Kath, and welcome to the site. I am a new member as well, and live up in the Upper Skagit Valley (East of Mt. Vernon). Signed up here as CiC seemed to have a very pleasant and respectful atmosphere compared to a few others I visited.

    I am a novice too, but I think if we listen well there is much to learn from the good folks here.


    p.s. Loved your cat photo's, and I am guessing that Foo Foo is one spoiled girl..
    Last edited by Dizzy; 30th July 2011 at 02:31 AM.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Howdy from Seattle, WA

    Quote Originally Posted by MilesToGo View Post
    My name is Katherine, but everyone calls me Kath. I live in Seattle, WA USA. I’ve owned several different types of cameras over the years, but it has only been in the last few years that I’ve really gotten “into” photography. I recently upgraded from a P&S to a Panasonic GH2 and I’m finding it has quite a learning curve. I started out as a purely vacation photographer, but over the past few years I’ve started to get more adventurous and now I snap anything that appeals to me. I am still bad at people and street photography, but I’m improving. I would like to develop the ability to see more creatively as my pictures have a tendency to be “postcard” shots or the angle is boring or it just doesn’t convey what I wanted.

    You can see my photos at:
    Hi Kath,

    Welcome to the group. When you compose your shots of your vacation travels are you doing so to share the experience with others or for your own recollection of your experiences? The intended audience is always a good way to frame the subject in your mind before pressing the shutter button. If you feel the audience has already seen what you are composing then this could give you the incentive to try it from another angle.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: Howdy from Seattle, WA

    Hi, Kath! Welcome to CiC. You'll enjoy it here.

  5. #5
    tonyfromlincs's Avatar
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    Re: Howdy from Seattle, WA

    Hi Kath
    Plenty of help and advice her, such a great bunch of people, welcome and enjoy your time on board

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