The image is a bit small Andrew but it looks like a nice abstract.
It is definitely an interesting image. I am guessing that was the location of a fireplace, long ago, and they filled in the space with what they had available?
Thats better Andrew, thanks. I thought at first it was an old window but its probably too small, then I thought of stone setts on a pedestrian walkway, then I thought I'd give in and just enjoy the image.
Mike & Keith,
Good try! It is an outside wall window.
Hi Andrew-Bede,
I like the tapestry of textures in the image, but I never would have guessed what it was.
Was it a victim of the window tax, or blocked off later for some other reason?
I think the whole idea of a window being bricked up like that summons up lot of questions about why...and if not for the tax reason, was it blinded to stop people looking in, or looking out?
Very interesting, Andrew-Bede. When I saw the title and then the image, my first thought went to the ovens at the Nazi concentration camps.
The textures and shapes are great, and knowing that it's a bricked-up window makes me wonder what the story behind it is.
Thanks for sharing.
A very interesting photo and the first thing that came to mind was "What is concealed behind what was obviously a blocked up doorway or window" I might have been a doorway into a secret room that was closed up.
Thanks for your comments Mary. Please see my reply to Seri above. It is very interesting to hear your immediate thoughts on the image, mine was that this is what it would be like to be imprisoned behind this window with all the frustration of not being able to see outside. Isn't it strange though the stories that we weave into images!