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Thread: Thinking about getting 7D

  1. #1
    Ramblinman's Avatar
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    Thinking about getting 7D

    I already have the Canon 5D MK1 and thinking about upgrading to the 7D. I have read up on the 7D and like all the new features it has along with the dual digic processors for quicker processing.

    Over the past month or so, I have realized the 5D's limitations, especially with slow FPS and image quality over ISO 1000 but I still love the image quality and full frame sensor and will be keeping the camera.

    I have found several good deals on new or slightly used 7Ds w/ lenses on craigslist.


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    I don't know craigslist. Is it a reputable source of supply?

  3. #3
    Ramblinman's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    yes it is.

    I was wondering about the camera itself. I have bought and sold items on craigslist before, its all good.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    I appreciate that your question was about the camera, but when you said 'good deals' I wondered of they were too good!

    Well, there's been plenty of praise for the 7D. Your lenses will be good for the 7D. I don't use it and hopefully the &D users will come in to comment, but the reviews would suggest it's something to have if that's what you have a desire for.

    I'm always interested to hear of people with two different bodies. They seem to get on fine with them. I've always felt that if I was to have a second body I'd want it the same as what I already have, given that all actions on what I alrady have are now automatic and do not require me stopping to look at the buttons. If you get another model of body, do you not have to learn all that all over again?

  5. #5

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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Come'on Donald, you're not "an old dog that can't learn new tricks". I (and Rufus) think you should buy every new camera body out there so you can share your experiences with us.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Chris - Hello.

    It's not so much the having to learn the new tricks. It's then having to remember two sets of tricks, along with which camera I'm holding in my hand at the time and, therefore, which set of tricks to apply.

    ps - Love to Rufus.

  7. #7

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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    It's not so much the having to learn the new tricks. It's then having to remember two sets of tricks, along with which camera I'm holding in my hand at the time and, therefore, which set of tricks to apply.

    But, Donald, people who are younger than us seem able to manage these things quite easily. They even claim to understand those complicated mobile phones which are also computers, etc. And it frightens me to even think about such a thing.

    However, the 7D does appear popular with bird photographers and sports shooters who need fast focusing etc.

    Do you really need all those extras, Paul? Some comments against this camera come from people who found it was just too complicated for straight forward work.

    However, considering the current Canon line up, I suppose if anything happened to my trusty 40D, the 7D would be the only realistic new option.

  8. #8
    neverhood311's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    I bought a 7D about 6 weeks ago after reading reviews on it for more than a year. It's a fantastic camera. I also have a Rebel XTi, which was my first DSLR.

    The Rebel XTi is also great, but I felt like I could do more with the 7D because of the 8fps burst mode and the movie mode. Plus, it's extremely durable and just feels better in my hands. The upgrade from 10.1 to 18 megapixels wasn't really a selling point for me, however. I think 10 was great and would have been more than content with 12 or 15. 18 is a bit overkill in my opinion, especially for a cropped sensor.

    The 7D offers enormous amounts of flexibility in terms of camera operation. The custom functions menu is at least 4 times as big as that of the Rebel XTi. It's easy to get lost in there. Generally, the factory settings work best, but it's always nice to have the option to grow into some of the more specific inner workings of the camera. Also, it's got a plug for studio lighting if you plan on getting into that kind of thing. And it can wirelessly control Canon speedlites without the use of a Pocket Wizard or other radio transmitter.

    What other cameras are you looking at? I considered the 50D but heard that it felt a bit plastic-y for the type of camera it is. Plus, I wanted to play around with the video mode. Someone also told me that the T2i does nearly everything that the 7D does, however it feels even more plastic-y than my XTi and doesn't have the same 8fps burst speed as the 7D. (nor does it accept CF cards like my XTi does)

  9. #9
    neverhood311's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Oh, and if that's not enough reason, a good family friend who is a photojournalist and sports photographer at the Seattle Times has one of his own. He loves it, too. (though he unfairly compared the autofocus of the 7D to that of the 1D Mark III and says the 7D's is not as good. He's just spoiled )

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Used 7D

    The 7D, being a relatively new camera, has not had an upgrade (although there have been rumors of an impending 7Dii issue) released from canon. Therefore, no photographer has dumped his/her perfectly good 7D because of the bells and whistles in the new issue. Anyone who has dumped his/her 7D has done so because: 1. The camera or this particular model has not worked for him or her 2. The photographer has been unsatisfied with the 7D and wants a full-frame camera. There will have been, undoubtedly, some photographers dumping their 7D cameras because of economic necessity but, these are probably pretty few and far between...

    The above means that the used camera sites are not filled with a plethora of 7D cameras. The law of supply and demand keeps the prices of the used 7D cameras relatively high. I did a search of completed 7D auctions from the last couple of weeks on eBay USA and there were only nine completed auctions for 7D bodies without lenses. The average price for these auctions was $1356 (U.S. Dollars) + shipping which varied from suction to auction.

    I would recommend that if you want a 7D, you look into a Canon refurbished model, making sure it is a camera which has passed through a Canon service center and is an authentic Canon Refurbished model...

    You will get it at a decent price (a very decent price if you take advantage of the Canon Loyalty Program) and you will get a 90-day warranty. I paid $1087 (USD) for my 7D through the loyalty program plus $24 shipping and 8% California State Sales tax. If you buy the refurbished camera from Adorama (if Adorama has one in stock - which they did not when I bought my 7D), that company increases the warranty to one year, includes free shipping but, you will have to pay state sales tax because you live in New York.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 2nd August 2011 at 10:59 PM.

  11. #11
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Richard is giving solid advice. For myself, I just purchased a 7D a couple weeks ago. I've been rigorously putting it through its paces. I was a little daunted at first by all the menu choices but found them easy to master quickly. What a GREAT camera!

    I wrestled with myself over the choice between a 5D MK II or the 7D. For my uses the crop sensor and higher FPS rate won out. I just rented (and now bought) the EF 70-300 f/4-5.6L IS lens to go with it. What a combo. The frame rate is awesome and taking surfing pictures is a dream. I can stop action in mid-air with crystal clear IQ. There is no lag rate at all. Press the shutter and a machine gun takes unlimited photos. Paired with a Sandisk Extreme Pro 90 mbs compact flash and the sky's the limit. I love this camera!!!

  12. #12
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramblinman View Post
    I already have the Canon 5D MK1 and thinking about upgrading to the 7D. . . Over the past month or so, I have realized the 5D's limitations, especially with slow FPS and image quality over ISO 1000 but I still love the image quality and full frame sensor and will be keeping the camera. . .


    The 7D will do both those for you. I would buy a new one: but RPC lives in the USA and I would seriously consider his advice re purchase and the loyalty program offers, if I were buying in the USA.

    I would recommend 7D without hesitation to achieve both those improvements you specifically mention.

    I would suggest you keep the 5D.

    But I would ask a few questions.
     What lenses do you have?

     Will those lenses be suitable to use in the shooting scenarios where you want to take advantage of the 7D’s Higher Frame rate and the 7D’s Higher ISO capacity?

    The other question I would ask is about high ISO performance of the 5D, above ISO1000:

     are you sure it is the camera and not a problem due to underexposure?

    It would be a shame to buy another camera to solve a problem of High ISO Noise only to find the expense did not solve the problem.

    I mention this not because I assume your skills: but because I have heard the story about the 5D at ISO1600 most often and more often than not, it is underexposure which is the problem, not the camera.

    That said: the 7D is definitely better at ISO1600 than the 5D.

    FYI: 5D @ ISO1600
    Thinking about getting 7D
    Athlete in Green Room
    F/2.8 @ 1/8s @ ISO1600 HH,Spot Meter, Manual, Available (room) Light, AWB.

    5D at ISO3200:
    Thinking about getting 7D
    "Mother and Child"
    F/2 @ 1/25s @ ISO3200, HH, Manual Exposure, Manual WB, Available (Street) Light.

    Both images hold very well, to Prints at 14” wide: (open each in a new window and view large)


    Regrading having two DSLRs in the kit:

    I suggest the leverage for most (non specific non Professional use) would be to have the FL advantage of an APS-C and a 135Format camera in the bag.

    Ideally the 7D and the 5DMkII come to mind as the replacement “perfect kit” to the now older 50D and 5D.

    There are also other leverages in those two, dual format kits I specifically mentioned; including, but not limited to: functionalities and batteries.

    Even if one needs a “back up” camera (e.g. for Pro Weddings Applications), that can be managed having two different formats, by a judicious selection of lenses.

    However, I do understand that some would, prefer to use the same camera, and have two different lenses on it: but I think that’s more applicable to Professional shooting under the pressure of time – and even then I think a Pro should be able to get their head around two formats, if the FL advantage suits them so to do.

    I think three great advantages of DSLRs are:
    > the ability to change ISO
    > the ability to make B&W and Colour simultaneaously
    > the ability to leverage the telephoto at high lens speed with many fewer lenses, but with two cameras

    The last advantage, seems least often employed.

    Last edited by William W; 3rd August 2011 at 05:18 AM.

  13. #13
    Ramblinman's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    The 7D will do both those for you. I would buy a new one: but RPC lives in the USA and I would seriously consider his advice re purchase and the loyalty program offers, if I were buying in the USA.
    I have been looking around for a few weeks to find the right deal. I am finding it harder to pay full price for a camera knowing I can get the camera cheaper brand new or slightly used elsewhere.

    I would recommend 7D without hesitation to achieve both those improvements you specifically mention.

    I would suggest you keep the 5D.
    I am definitely keeping the 5D.

    But I would ask a few questions.
     What lenses do you have?
    I have the 28mm 2.8, 50mm 1.8, 17-40 L wide angle, Tamron 75-300 3.5-5.6 and Canon 100mm macro Lenses
     Will those lenses be suitable to use in the shooting scenarios where you want to take advantage of the 7D’s Higher Frame rate and the 7D’s Higher ISO capacity?
    The 300mm lens would benefit the most from the 7D's higher frame rate, especially when zoomed in at 300mm. Both the 17-40 and 300mm lenses will also benefit from the higher ISO due to the maximum aperture of f/4 and f/3.5 in low light situations.

    The other question I would ask is about high ISO performance of the 5D, above ISO1000:

     are you sure it is the camera and not a problem due to underexposure?

    It would be a shame to buy another camera to solve a problem of High ISO Noise only to find the expense did not solve the problem.
    It depends on the situation. I know that in dark areas using high ISO, it will look very grainy as opposed to lighter areas. There have been plenty of situations where I have overexposed a scene on purpose where the quality is still poor even when I enabled the long exposure noise reduction - which in of itself takes considerable amount of time especially for exposures of 30 seconds or more. When waiting for the noise reduction to kick in, I miss out on other opportunities. This is when the 7D's dual digic processors will be a plus.

    I mention this not because I assume your skills: but because I have heard the story about the 5D at ISO1600 most often and more often than not, it is underexposure which is the problem, not the camera.

    That said: the 7D is definitely better at ISO1600 than the 5D.

    FYI: 5D @ ISO1600
    Thinking about getting 7D
    Athlete in Green Room
    F/2.8 @ 1/8s @ ISO1600 HH,Spot Meter, Manual, Available (room) Light, AWB.

    5D at ISO3200:
    Thinking about getting 7D
    "Mother and Child"
    F/2 @ 1/25s @ ISO3200, HH, Manual Exposure, Manual WB, Available (Street) Light.

    Both images hold very well, to Prints at 14” wide: (open each in a new window and view large)


    Regrading having two DSLRs in the kit:

    I suggest the leverage for most (non specific non Professional use) would be to have the FL advantage of an APS-C and a 135Format camera in the bag.

    Ideally the 7D and the 5DMkII come to mind as the replacement “perfect kit” to the now older 50D and 5D.

    There are also other leverages in those two, dual format kits I specifically mentioned; including, but not limited to: functionalities and batteries.

    Even if one needs a “back up” camera (e.g. for Pro Weddings Applications), that can be managed having two different formats, by a judicious selection of lenses.

    However, I do understand that some would, prefer to use the same camera, and have two different lenses on it: but I think that’s more applicable to Professional shooting under the pressure of time – and even then I think a Pro should be able to get their head around two formats, if the FL advantage suits them so to do.

    I think three great advantages of DSLRs are:
    > the ability to change ISO
    > the ability to make B&W and Colour simultaneaously
    > the ability to leverage the telephoto at high lens speed with many fewer lenses, but with two cameras

    The last advantage, seems least often employed.

    I appreciate your time. From reading reviews, I like the on screen/viewfinder level and the additional focus points for better tracking of objects in motion.

  14. #14
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    I wrote:
    "The other question I would ask is about high ISO performance of the 5D, above ISO1000:
    > are you sure it is the camera and not a problem due to underexposure?
    It would be a shame to buy another camera to solve a problem of High ISO Noise only to find the expense did not solve the problem.
    I mention this not because I assume your skills: but because I have heard the story about the 5D at ISO1600 most often and more often than not, it is underexposure which is the problem, not the camera.

    That said: the 7D is definitely better at ISO1600 than the 5D."

    You answered:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramblinman View Post
    It depends on the situation. I know that in dark areas using high ISO, it will look very grainy as opposed to lighter areas. There have been plenty of situations where I have overexposed a scene on purpose where the quality is still poor even when I enabled the long exposure noise reduction - which in of itself takes considerable amount of time especially for exposures of 30 seconds or more. When waiting for the noise reduction to kick in, I miss out on other opportunities. This is when the 7D's dual digic processors will be a plus.
    You seem to have that ALL sorted.
    So buy one and enjoy your 7D, when you get it!


  15. #15
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Craigslist safety

    Donald and Paul...

    Donald was not familiar with craigslist which is a free Internet site which allows you to advertise just about any item for sale, advertise virtually any service or advertise for just about any type of companion...

    Lately, here in the San Diego area, has begun to be called "CROOKS LIST" because of the problems associated with buying and selling items through this listing as well as problems concerned with the personal ads appearing on that web site..

    We have had a number of thefts associated with craigslist. These have been thefts of items which a person wanted to sell and also thefts of money that a person brought to purchase items. There has been at least one murder associated with a craigslist theft as well as several rapes and murders (throughout the USA) associated with personal ads posted on craigslist.

    I have both bought and sold items through craigslist but, no longer use it as a method of selling or buying. This is very sad because it was a wonderful way to sell (or give away) items I no longer needed or to find a local source of used items I wanted at relatively low prices.

    A local police representative has recommended that if you want to buy or sell through craigslist, the transaction should not be done at night. That is just asking for trouble. He recommended never to sell your items using your home and he recommended that a good place for the transaction to take place would be in front of a police station during the day. If the porported seller or buyer doesn't want to do the transaction in front a bunch of cops (for his safety and yours) you might be better off buying from or selling to someone else...

    There have even been thefts of pure-bred puppies which have been advertised on craigslist...

    Another problem with craigslist is that site has been involved with the fencing of stolen items...

    Like I said, it is a damn shame to have a wonderful resource like craigslist corrupted by low lifes. But, unfortunately that is what has happened in many cases...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 6th August 2011 at 02:43 PM.

  16. #16

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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Get the 60d less money 100 dollars less not much differents between the 2 .So why not save 100 bucks and put it on new lens makes better sence to me.I have the 60D and have used the 7D for a 100 bucks more to me not worth it spent it on lens .I have looked at the photos between the 2 and the 60D is just as good.PeaceDon.

  17. #17

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    Re: Craigslist safety

    I have used craigslist and would not use it again you are right it is corrupted by lowe lifes.And by alot of spamers.

  18. #18
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Don, Although I have not used the 60D; I have noticed some differences looking through the specifications or the 60D as opposed to the specs of my 7D...

    One difference which would impact my shooting (but, which may or may not matter to other photographers) is the single User Selected Mode on the 60D as opposed to the three User Selected Modes on the 40D, 50D and 7D. I love having three user selected modes because I can set my cameras up in advance for certain shooting parameters and then select these parameters with one twist of the Camera Mode Dial (rather than selecting the parameters individually). Instead of three User Selected Modes; the 60D retains the "Basic" (Dummy) modes such as portrait, sports and landscape. I have been used to three User Selected Modes on my 40D and would miss the convenience. I have never, nor do I ever expect to, use any of the "Dummy" modes on any DSLR camera...

    However, the added (and subtracted) bells and whistles of the 7D vs the 60D may not be worth anything to a photographer who never uses them. As an example, the much publicized articulating screen of the 60D would have absolutely no use in my style of shooting. I very seldom ever use live view and when I am forced to (such as in shooting video) I add a Belkin eye level viewer to allow me to hold the camera close to my eye. When I am shooting in awkward positions, I will use a right angle finder.
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 13th August 2011 at 09:20 PM.

  19. #19

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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    I agonised between the 7D and the 60D for weeks trying out both and just about wearing out my son's 7D before deciding on the 60D. Price was not an issue.

    Whilst it is true that the 60D only has one user mode that can be set on the Camera Mode Dial it does have three additional User defined settings that can be set through the menu - takes two actions. These act by modifying the despised "Dummy" modes. The "Dummy" modes can also be adjusted by software -- I presume this is also the case for the 7D.

    For me, the deciding factors were weight and the articulating screen. I take most of my photographs whilst travelling (we spend three to four months a year travelling) so weight is a concern. Whilst I hate using live view, there are occasions when it is convenient to use it and having an articulated screen adds another dimension. My old camera had an articulated screen (very limited compared to the 60D) and I couldn't imagine being without one. Whilst an eye level viewer and a right angle finder would be nice to have they are just more weight to carry around the world.

  20. #20

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    Re: Thinking about getting 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramblinman View Post
    I already have the Canon 5D MK1 and thinking about upgrading to the 7D. I have read up on the 7D and like all the new features it has along with the dual digic processors for quicker processing.

    Over the past month or so, I have realized the 5D's limitations, especially with slow FPS and image quality over ISO 1000 but I still love the image quality and full frame sensor and will be keeping the camera.

    I have found several good deals on new or slightly used 7Ds w/ lenses on craigslist.

    i have a cannon DC. Now, i have attention 7D from online. Find a blog where has the review about 7D and get some key specs from it. Maybe you can get the new technology from there.

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