Great starting images, Mike. I love the flowers and the strawberry the most.
Just wondering if you do any sharpening with your post processing (PP). If not, since you are shooting jpegs anyway, the incamera sharpening does a failry good job. However, the default settings are not very high and your images might be helped with a nudge up in the sharpening department. I shoot RAW, but when I'm just taking holiday pics I have started using the Picture Controls. I have played around a little and have tweaked the "landscape" setting a little to give me some good punchy snaps. You might not like what I like but I have settled on -2 on the "contrast" and about 3 or 4 on the "sharpening." I always do a little sharpening in NX2 anyway, so if you don't sharpen on our PP program you could go as high as 5 or 6 in camera for crisper results. The way to do it is:
Menu (button on back of camera) > SHOOTING MENU (little camera icon) > Set Picture Control > Landscape. Then scroll around and make your adjustments and then press "OK" button on right of LCD screen. Shoot a few, adjust to taste, shoot a few more, adjust etc.
The above settings are a little too saturated sometimes, which is ok for holiday snaps, but not for any images which contain a lot of skin (close up portraits etc). I just shoot "Neutral" with sharpening at 1 or 0 for portraits and do all the processing on computer.
Of course, sharpening isn't a substitute for good focus, steady hands and an appropriately fast shutter speed.
Image below was slightly enhanced with slight "S" curve, and sharpening (basic capture settings I use in USM), very slight vignette and just a little brightening in on the strawberry (about 30 secs)
Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing