Hi Deb,
You need to do this in some sort of post-production software like Photoshop. It is not done in camera. All of Colin's other suggestions are ways to ensure that the image your camera records is as sharp as it can possibly be. After that you may also want to play with the image in PP software afterwards to get the best out of it. Including by sharpening it a touch.
I think for the purposes of this test then take a photo of anything. It isn't necessary to take a wonderfully composed landscape scene in order to determine if there are any issues with your lens.
I tend to take a lot of my landscape shots at around f/11. As Colin pointed out, if you go smaller than that (f/22 for example) then you will start to get diffraction which will certainly affect the sharpness of your images.
Don't worry about 'sounding stupid', you don't sound stupid at all. And besides, the only stupid question is the unasked question