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Thread: A new member looking for some advice

  1. #1
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    A new member looking for some advice

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kim. I'm new to photography and will start my photography course in September. I'm looking to buy a Canon 600D but unsure whether to buy just body only and get my own lenses or a package that comes with a standard lens. Can someone please give me some advice? Thanks a lot !
    Last edited by Donald; 12th August 2011 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: A new member looking for some advice


    That's me moved it in here now.

    First question - Do you know what kit lens is on offer as part of the package? That will help people give an opinion about whether you should go with that to start with, or spend more on a higher quality lens.

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: A new member looking for some advice

    Kit lens with the EOS600D will be the EF-S 18-55mm IS (Mk...somethingorother - which ever the latest number is) and its a pretty good lens. Not the sharpest thing wide open but its cheap and will get you up and running on a budget. It is typically about £50 on top of the body only and you can get that back from an ebay sale if/when you upgrade in the future.

  4. #4

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    Re: A new member looking for some advice

    It depends what you want to photograph, Kim, and your budget.

    Also check which kit lens really is being offered; some companies vary the options to the one that Robin mentioned.

    Personally, I would always purchase lenses and body separately so that I know I am getting exactly what I want. And, for me, I would find a 55 mm lens to be far too small.

    However, for some general purpose work that lens could be sufficient, particularly if you are new to photography and just want to take photos of friends and the world around you. Flying birds, for example, would be a totally different matter.

  5. #5
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: A new member looking for some advice

    Hi Kim,

    I recently went through much the same process that you are contemplating now, and although the camera body is different, you might find some help in the responses I received from my questions:

    My first DSLR - making a good choice

    Good luck with your class, and I look forward to seeing your photo's!


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