RAINNNNNNNNNN??????????????? Really? I wish. Cool shot!
Very nice. It has been raining just south of where I live but it just can't seem to make it's way up to the Tahoka/Lubbock area. Congrats on the rain, the way it's been here in Texas this year any little bit is a blessing!!!!
We average over 170 rainy days a year, plus dozens more that are cloudy and gray. Still, after a few warm, sunny days, the dry ground is as thirsty as ever. Hope you get more rain, as I know you need it down there!
Water is rarely scarce here, but I know that it can sure get hot and dry down in Texas.
We got 7/10th of an inch two nights ago that brought our total rainfall for the year to exactly 2 inches. Some areas got as much as five inches less than 30 miles from here. I wish that kind of rain had moved another 30 miles to the east.