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16th August 2011, 08:36 AM
Hi guys,
My wife took this photo on our honeymoon, i was thinking of getting her a framed or canvas print of it for her birthday but wanted to see if you guys had any pointers for fixing it up a bit first....it's a bit over saturated in the middle and the horizon isn't fully visible....any help/tips welcome,

Last edited by Frizzaldo; 16th August 2011 at 08:43 AM.
Reason: text added
16th August 2011, 09:42 AM
Re: Pointers....
Hey Frizz,
Nice image. I think it has a lot of potential. Do you know if your wife shot it in RAW format? If so, you will have a lot more scope for 'improving' it.
Congrats on the honeymoon!
16th August 2011, 10:23 AM
Re: Pointers....
unfortunately not Tommy, just in Jpeg
16th August 2011, 04:07 PM
Re: Pointers....
Hello Frizz,
The bright area in the middle just appears over-exposed as opposed to over-saturated, and since it was shot in jpeg, the opportunities for correcting it are more limited, that's for certain. If you have a raw converter you could still run the jpeg image through it and use the tools there. But in the end, if the highlights are completely blown they are unrecoverable because detail that was never there to begin with cannot be 'recovered.'
Good luck with your efforts!
17th August 2011, 07:19 AM
17th August 2011, 01:23 PM
Re: Pointers....
Frizz - I'm far from an expert but have you considered B&W?

I had a play and the colour image was way beyond my skills! Even in the black and white, I don't think you could recover the middle portion - there is certainly no detail in there.
17th August 2011, 01:49 PM
Re: Pointers....
The only thing I could suggest, because as others have said that sunlight is completely blown, is to gently work a clone over it.
I use the GIMP, so don't how you'd do it in other software packages. But in GIMP, take a soft clone brush and set opacity to 15%, Gently work the colour around the blown area in towards the centre. Then, take a medium %age (40-45%) soft smudge brush and just work the cloned area into the surrounding area.
Sort of like .............

This is done pretty quickly. With a little love and attention you could get something out of it
19th August 2011, 04:38 AM
Re: Pointers....
Hi there:
I think you have a fine piccy there. Personally, I think that compositionally it's very good. I like the way the eye is drawn into the shot and I think the focal point is where it should be.
It's shot right into the sun and I don't think that any camera/sensor/photographer could have handled the intensity of light at that point so I wouldn't be too focussed on that.
You haven't said which, if any, digital editing programs you're using or are familar with, so it's difficult to make recommendations. I'd use whatever digital editing program you have to adjust the sky, foreground and roadside trees to your liking. Then I'd print and frame it; I'm sure your wife will be flattered and will love it.
Good luck, Dave D
19th August 2011, 09:56 PM
Re: Pointers....
If you do this on canvas the picture will be wrapped around the wood frame effectively cropping it. If you have CS5 you can extend the canvas size and use content aware fill to create additional edges. The created edges will be on the outside of the wood frame and the original image will not appear cropped.
20th August 2011, 03:35 PM
Re: Pointers....
Firstly -- many congrats on wedding -- I just celebrated 33 years
It a lovely picture and will probably mean lots to you and your wife as a memento so it's not the quality more the sentiment of the picture and the fact that you have identified it that counts.
Good luck for the rest of your life together
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