Tonight offered a very bright Moon that is 88% full, so I drove up to a local peak to see if I could capture it in any detail. Got a couple keepers, and this was the best of the lot:

1/250s, f/5.6 @ 300.0mm, ISO 1EV under 200
The two craters most visible near the top (at about the 12:30 position) are Hercules and Atlas.
Since the Moon was so bright I thought it would be interesting to see if the camera could capture the North Cascade Mtn's it had just rose over. Tried a few different shots, and found the Moon just did not image well at the extended shutter times, so I had to set the shot up with the Moon just to the right of the frame. This pic was shot at 10:00pm, and the only light source aside from the small lights showing from of the Town of Rockport (pop. @ 110) was the Moon.

8s f/7.1 at 70.0mm iso800
There are 3 stars also visible on the upper left, all in a row. From right to left they are Mirach, Almaak and Mirphak. If you were to look directly above Mirphak (about 12º) with binoculars you would see the Double Cluster, and about 8º above Mirach is the Andromeda Galaxy. Both are quite visible in binoculars, and by naked eye in dark skies.
I realize I have a long, long, long ways to go before my images are anywhere close to the quality of the rest of you, but I do hope you'll be patient, and enjoy the ride along with me as I'm having a grand time on the journey..
Comments/thoughts always appreciated.
p.s. Had the D90 a full 2 weeks as of today, and it has opened up a whole new world for me. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring..